
Gamemastering Secrets and general interest roleplaying game books and accessories (not necessarily Fudge-specific).

Gamemastering Secrets

ImageIn Gamemastering Secrets, Aaron Rosenberg and guest contributors cover everything about running a roleplaying game, from choosing a game system to closing out a long-running campaign. They give tips on how to handle various situations, pointers on potential dangers and how to avoid them, and advice on how to get the best aming experience for everyone involved.

If you've never GM'd before, they teach you how to go about it, where to start and how to proceed, and enough tricks to convince anyone that you're a veteran.

If you are an experienced gamemaster, they give you new tricks, ways to keep your players on their toes, and ways to spice up your games.

For use with any roleplaying game (examples are drawn from the d20 and Fudge systems.)

Featuring John Kovalic's "Dork Tower" comic strips, and:

Origins Awards Winner's Seal

  • Sam Chupp - Gamemastering for Kids
  • Hilary Doda - Women at the Gaming Table
  • Ann Dupuis - The Science and Art of Mapmaking
  • Lee Gold - NPCs: Not Paper Cutouts
  • Matt Forbeck - Running a Con Game
  • Kenneth Hite - The Joy of Research
  • Larry D. Hols - Throw 'em to the Wolves!
  • Steven S. Long - Genre and Setting Simulation
  • Steven Marsh - Treasure
  • Frank Mentzer - Trust at the Gaming Table
  • John Nephew - The Beginner's Game
  • John R. Phythyon, Jr. - Creating Memorable Villains
  • Jean Rabe - Winging It
  • Mark Simmons - Gamemaster's Flowchart 101
  • Lester Smith - Campaign Troubleshooting
  • James M. Ward - Campaign World-building
  • Ross Winn - Character Creation

('d20 System' and the d20 System logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used with permission. The Fudge System logo is a trademark of Steffan O'Sullivan, used under license. Logo design by Daniel M. Davis.)

GGG4010, Gamemastering Secrets, 172 pages, hardcover
Price: $34.99

Related Products:
While Gamemastering Secrets is a stand-alone product, it complements the Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition and is also useful for The Deryni Adventure Game, Terra Incognita, and other Fudge games.

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