
Hullo from Malaysia!

Hullo from Malaysia!

Not an old hat at rpg's but definitely my first active foray into FUDGE after knowing about it about 15 years ago. Been playing a lot of DnD (old and new, except 4th), Legend of the Five Rings and the whole WoD suite. I'm hoping to transfer some of the more popular genres into FUDGE for my own play group as well as publishing a game of my own out of the system one day. While I like how FATE does things, I prefer FUDGE more for the flexibility.


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Re: Hullo from Malaysia!

welcome to the community, almond!

i am a filipino who also loves fudge, the food and rpg. current/smile

please share your experience and projects too.


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Re: Hullo from Malaysia!

Thanks! I got a project going on, a dark fantasy called Fae Edge. I put up a single page doc here to kick it off: … 1075#p1075

No detailed settings just yet but what's in there is enough to start a game with. Currently working on concept art as well as drafting the world setting. It'll be a while before I start putting these into proper print layout.

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