
Information about Grey Ghost Games -- who we are and what we've done.

About Grey Ghost Press

Grey Ghost Press is owned and operated by Ann Dupuis (that’s me!). I’ve been a freelance writer, editor, and cartographer in the roleplaying game industry since 1990, when I first began writing for Steve Jackson Games’ GURPS system and TSR’s Dungeons & Dragons system. When the “Known World” setting for TSR’s D&D line became the Mystara setting for AD&D, I moved along with it.

After a few years, I grew a bit restless working for other companies. At the same time, my good friend Steffan O’Sullivan was polishing up his FUDGE game system (then known as the Freeform Universal Donated Game Engine -- the first “open source” roleplaying game system that I know of). I saw an opportunity to start my own game company and promote the Fudge game at the same time.

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Available now: Grey Ghost games, including books and dice.

Coming soon: Additional Fudge products from other Fudge publishers, and Grey Ghost products in .pdf format!

Dice Roller


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