

Fudge Community Yahoo Group

Join us in the Fudge Community Yahoo Group!

The Fudge Community Yahoo Group provides a venue for discussing the Fudge RPG where users can choose to interact with the group as a Forum or as an Email List.

Fudge Chat

The "official" Fudge Chat is hosted on the OtherWorlders IRC Network. If you have an IRC client, connect to and /join #Fudge. You can also join the Fudge Chat room through your browser right here on this website.

Latest Posts

Thanks for taking the time to reply. It...
Hello! As the author of the book, I will take...
Fudge releases are pretty thin on the ground...

Spotlight On...

The Grey Ghost Store is now online!

Available now: Grey Ghost games, including books and dice.

Coming soon: Additional Fudge products from other Fudge publishers, and Grey Ghost products in .pdf format!

Dice Roller


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