Ann Dupuis posts semi-random and semi-regular thoughts on Grey Ghost Press, Fudge, publishing, roleplaying, and other topics.
Heroes of Oz is a Fudge roleplaying game by Mike Conway. Founded firmly in the Oz books by L. Frank Baum, in Heroes of Oz the Fudge system has been adapted to not only let you play in Baum's wonderful land, but also any other version of Oz you can imagine.
One morning, as we were accompanying our dogs on their romp through the woods, Paul mentioned that he was going to have to abandon Five-Point Fudge as the character creation system for a project he was working on, and go with the objective character creation system instead. That got me thinking about the various approaches to Fudge (objective, subjective, and some things like Five Point Fudge that lie somewhere between the two).