
It's important for everyone who uses this website, and especially anyone who is creating and publishing Fudge materials (whether commercially or simply making it available on the Internet), to understand the legalities behind the Open Game License, Copyrights and "Product Identity" and "Open Content," and the Fudge System Trademark License. So here's all the legalese covering the Fudge game and also this website in one spot.

Copyrights, Licenses, and Permissions

Please note that all community-created Fudge materials posted to this website must be released under the Open Game License. (This way others will be able to use it.) Of course you can specify certain parts of your Fudge material as "Product Identity" to retain full copyrights.

Material provided by Grey Ghost Press may or may not be available under the OGL. If you have any doubt as to whether something is "Open Content" or "Product Identity" or wholly owned and not licensed out by Grey Ghost Press, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.s. We try to be generous (all of the Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition and all of Gamemastering Secrets are available under the Open Game License, for example) but the Fudge Roleplaying Game core rules are owned by Grey Ghost Press and ownership has its privileges.

The following "Open Game License" covers most of the material on this website. Excluded material includes anything designated as "Product Identity" by Grey Ghost Press or individual companies or authors posting the material. For more information, see "Open Game Content," below.

Fudge OGL Requirements

For legal reasons, all Fudge-related material submitted to the website must be released under the Open Game License and follow the terms and guidelies of the Fudge System Trademark License.

To make compliance with those licenses easier, we've created a "boiler plate" template of the information you need to include with your material.

Please include the following text (from "About This Fudge Roleplaying Game Document" to the end of this article) in each document you submit for consideration in the Fudge Files downloads section of

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What information does Grey Ghost Press collect?

Grey Ghost Press, Inc. may collect two types of information. The first is automatically-generated information, such as cookies. The second is personal information that you may choose to provide when interacting with our site.

Terms of Use

Please read these “Terms of Use” carefully before using this website. By accessing and using this site, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, you are not authorized to use this site.

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