
Books and accessories for the Fudge RPG.

Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition

Just Fudge It!

Origins Awards Nominee Seal

ImageFudge is a word-based roleplaying game customizable (by design) to fit any genre or play style. The 10th Anniversary Edition includes everything from the core Fudge rules, plus a whole lot more!

We collected together extensive lists of character traits for character creation, alternative rules (including a vehicle design system, dogfighting, cybernetics, netrunning, superheroes, and advice on running Fudge) and a whole lot more!

fudgelogo_dice_bullet Easy to play (the word-based system and simple game mechanic to resolve actions let you concentrate on the story rather than the rules)

fudgelogo_dice_bulletSkill-driven (choose broadly defined skill groups or detailed individual skills – or anything in between)

fudgelogo_dice_bulletFlexible (play any style from gritty realism to legendary heroics and create any character in any genre – even bunnies!)


  • Choose your own attributes, gifts, faults, and skills
  • Play “subjectively” (just “fudging” it) or “objectively” (with "crunchier" rules)
  • Use the rules you like best, they’re all optional
  • Choose your favorite dice techniques, or play diceless
  • Incorporate any of the many available optional rules, techniques, and add-ons (including magic systems and the like) – or create your own!

GGG1020, Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition, 320 pages, hardcover
Price: $34.99

Related Products:

Fudge dice are not required but are recommended.

Gamemastering Secrets presents a lot of advice for gamemasters of any system.

Terra Incognita is a complete Fudge game set in the Victorian/Pulp genre.

A Magical Medley offers six different magic systems and a whole lot more.

Another Fine Mess serves as a great stand-alone adventure and as a good introduction to Fudge (with “All the Rules You Need to Know”).

There are several other publishers also using the Fudge system in their products. This makes for a diverse range of Fudge games (including Now Playing! from Carnivore Games and The Collectors from Rogue Publishing).

A Magical Medley

Medicine man, astromancer, magician, monk, sorcerer, occultist: A Magical Medley has something for everyone!

Origins Awards Nomination Seal

Image Inside this book are several magic systems and much magic-related miscellany for use with Fudge and other role-playing games.

fudgelogo_dice_bullet Six fully developed magic systems:

African Spirit Magic
Celtic Magic
Chinese Magic
The Gramarye Occultis

fudgelogo_dice_bullet Magical Items from the Amulet of Beneficial Quantum Manipulation to the multi-purpose Wizard’s Cloak

fudgelogo_dice_bulletMagical Adventures: The Tomb of Shrak Ironfist is a complete adventure in the classical “dungeon crawl” style, rich in magical traps and treasure. Several adventure “seeds” will help you design your own adventures.

fudgelogo_dice_bullet Origins Award Nominee!

GGG1002, A Magical Medley, 128 pages softcover
Price: $19.95

Another Fine Mess

An Animal Companions Adventure!

ImageThe Master has gotten himself into another fine mess – captured by an evil sorcerer! What can you – mere animals – do?

Why, lots! Shadow the cat knows where the Master was captured. Reek the ferret is a contortionist and has a magic twig! Penny the falcon is fearless, while Midnight, the master’s steed, has strength and speed aplenty. Isabelle the bloodhound can track a scent anywhere.Barney is a strong, loyal, agile dog for whom most obstacles prove mere annoyances. Bandit the ‘coon is clever with his paws – very clever. And Anaxagoras the owl is in training to be a wizard!

Origins Awards nominee sticker

fudgelogo_dice_bullet The player characters are animals!

fudgelogo_dice_bullet Includes “All the Rules You Need to Know”

fudgelogo_dice_bullet Excellent one-shot adventure that provides a good break from a group’s regular campaign

fudgelogo_dice_bulletIncludes a map, plan, and profile of a realistic cave system and its surrounding environs, easily adapted to other games

fudgelogo_dice_bullet Lots of Sorcerous Abominations to encounter!

fudgelogo_dice_bulletCan also be run with more traditional player characters

GGG2001, Another Fine Mess, 32 pages, softcover
Price: $8.95

Related Products:

The Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition offers several alternative action resolution systems for anyone not satisfied by “All the Rules You Need to Know” included with the adventure.

Fudge Dice are easy and fun to use!

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