
Category: Rules Options
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pdf0Fudge Morale 1.0 HOT
(0 votes)

Wondering if your soldiers can take that hill? Looking for a way to take morale in to account with your epic battles? With these optional rules for morale you can!

Author Jonathan Snyder
Date 2010-12-08
File Size 121.36 KB
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This is a reformatting of Fudge in a Nutshell into a 1 page layout (along with license) as 1 page handout on Fudge. Created by Michael Wolf (aka Stargazer). Some additional information about this

Author Michael Wolf
Date 2011-06-21
File Size 2.18 MB
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FORRS (Free-form Open Role-playing RuleS) by Per Fischer

Author Per Fischer
Date 2009-12-17
Language  English
File Size 72.03 KB
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(0 votes)

This is a great Fudge rule option for games that need a way to track relationships between characters.

Author Mike Conway
Date 2011-01-02
File Size 97.87 KB
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pdf43d6 Fudge 1.0 HOT
(0 votes)

Alternative Rules Using 3d6 by Steffan O'Sullivan. 3d6 Fudge is an alternate way to play Fudge... It was inspired by the Min-Mid-Max damage section in

License Personal UseTooltip
Author Steffan O'Sullivan
Date 2010-11-21
Language  English
File Size 131.47 KB
Download 1,584
(0 votes)

Ever wanted to have some rules on handling that spear trap or magical surprise. Now you can with the Fudge Traps! for every Fudge Dungeon or Crypt.

Author Jonathan Snyder
Date 2017-01-07
File Size 301.05 KB
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(0 votes)

Just another mad solution for Fudge Dice results without Fudge Dice.

Author Bob Portnell
Date 2020-02-14
File Size 53.21 KB
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Dice Roller


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