
Sample Fudge Adventure

Sample Fudge Adventure

Hey, I'm new to FUDGE and I'm looking for a simple adventure for a first timer.
I have a lot of experience in D&D, and I've read the pdf FUDGE rule book. The only thing missing now is that I need to play the game for a first time.
So does anyone know where I can find such an adventure? A very simple one?
And is there somewhere where I can acquire pre-defined characters?

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Re: Sample Fudge Adventure

Have some links. In addition to these, there is the purchase of Another Fine Mess. … night.html … gland.html

As for pre-gens: Check the last 60 pages of the Fudge book or so. Then there are some in the Fudge Files section.

The [-] die.

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Re: Sample Fudge Adventure

Thanks, Knaight. These adventures will prove good. No: superb, haha.
Instead of using pre-gens, I used the 5-point-fudge system.

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Re: Sample Fudge Adventure

You can also join the online game I'm trying to run around here for a first try! ( … 721#p721).

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Re: Sample Fudge Adventure

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