
EZFudge is back and better than ever!

EZFudge is back and better than ever!

So, after a bunch of clean-up, rewrites, redesigns, and re-intentions, I'm pleased to announce that the Ultimate Edition of my EZFudge house rules is now out on the web.  Free (as in open) and free (as in beer), this package aggregates all of my favorite game design elements into a single free-wheeling package.

Enough marketing-like spam! Go try it, and let me know what you think. It's at my personal website, first item on the Bookshop page.

Thanks and good gaming!

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Re: EZFudge is back and better than ever!

This looks very solid right now: congragulations. With that said, there are a few minor concerns.
1) Areas might be a bit small in combat. Even assuming 25 square meters, medium range from the center of two adjacent areas usually only comes to 5 meters, which is really close for even extremely primitive missile weapons. If, instead of 10 to 25 square meters they were supposed to be 10 to 25 meters on a side (which accounts for movement and such), it works out decently.
2) The current Fault-Skill Point ratio is a bit wonky. Given how narrow the skills are*, 4 skill points is extremely valuable, particularly as the faults in example characters are relatively minor.
3) The flat doubling of OF for supplemental weapons is worrying - that can lead to some pretty huge bonuses, and probably needs to be tweaked in some way.

Onto the good stuff: I really like the card system for new players, and apart from the minor blemishes above the system is near perfect.

*I'd make an exception in that a few of the specializations appear to be fairly narrow in the example characters, particularly Scotty.

The [-] die.

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Re: EZFudge is back and better than ever!

Congratulations (again), nvdaydreamer!

EZFudge has always been a favorite of mine. This update is the cherry on top!


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Re: EZFudge is back and better than ever!

fudgebob wrote:

Congratulations (again), nvdaydreamer!

EZFudge has always been a favorite of mine. This update is the cherry on top!


I do thank you kindly.

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Re: EZFudge is back and better than ever!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! I very much appreciate it.

I freely admit that areas and range effects have not been as rigorously tried as I like. But it's in the ballpark. But, hmm. Unless my geometry has gone straight to heck, a square of 25 square meters is 5 meters on a side ... and so only 5 meters between adjacent squares. Or 5 yards, if you like, which is a fairly typical "move" phase for a lot of games.

Some skills are narrower; some are broader. I'm happy that it averages. Basically it gives me characters that I think make sense, and that's all I care about.

I'm sorry, but I have no real idea what you mean by "the flat doubling of OF for supplemental weapons." The OFs for weapons on the gamemaster screen come straight from the Fudge core; the OFs for the Final Frontier weapons cards are interpolated (yeah, okay, fudged!) based on the expected outcomes. I have no memory of "doubling" anything ... if you can clear this up for me, it would ease my mind.

Thanks again!

Knaight wrote:

This looks very solid right now: congragulations. With that said, there are a few minor concerns.
1) Areas might be a bit small in combat. Even assuming 25 square meters, medium range from the center of two adjacent areas usually only comes to 25 meters, which is really close for even extremely primitive missile weapons. If, instead of 10 to 25 square meters they were supposed to be 10 to 25 meters on a side (which accounts for movement and such), it works out decently.
2) The current Fault-Skill Point ratio is a bit wonky. Given how narrow the skills are*, 4 skill points is extremely valuable, particularly as the faults in example characters are relatively minor.
3) The flat doubling of OF for supplemental weapons is worrying - that can lead to some pretty huge bonuses, and probably needs to be tweaked in some way.

Onto the good stuff: I really like the card system for new players, and apart from the minor blemishes above the system is near perfect.

*I'd make an exception in that a few of the specializations appear to be fairly narrow in the example characters, particularly Scotty.

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Re: EZFudge is back and better than ever!

I keep trying to add the file to the Fudge Games goodie folder, but it rejects me no matter which computer or OS I use. It plainly hates me.

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Re: EZFudge is back and better than ever!

nvdaydreamer wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! I very much appreciate it.

I freely admit that areas and range effects have not been as rigorously tried as I like. But it's in the ballpark. But, hmm. Unless my geometry has gone straight to heck, a square of 25 square meters is 5 meters on a side ... and so only 5 meters between adjacent squares. Or 5 yards, if you like, which is a fairly typical "move" phase for a lot of games.

Some skills are narrower; some are broader. I'm happy that it averages. Basically it gives me characters that I think make sense, and that's all I care about.

I'm sorry, but I have no real idea what you mean by "the flat doubling of OF for supplemental weapons." The OFs for weapons on the gamemaster screen come straight from the Fudge core; the OFs for the Final Frontier weapons cards are interpolated (yeah, okay, fudged!) based on the expected outcomes. I have no memory of "doubling" anything ... if you can clear this up for me, it would ease my mind.

Thanks again!

The first of those is a typo (somehow, a 2 sneaked in before the 5) - the point is, 5 meters ranged combat, for 25 square meter squares is a bit sketchy. I'd consider 5 meters a fairly short charge into melee, and extremely short even for thrown weapons. For projectiles, it is downright tiny. With 25 meters to a side though,

Fair enough regarding the skills.

Your example regarding the Starship Enterprise involved it having two weapons. To simulate that, the OF of one of those was just doubled - given that the Fudge wound system isn't exactly linear, particularly when considering armor interactions, this seems potentially problematic. I'd honestly rather it just inflict a wound, and a wound at a lower level as far as power is concerned, and that is a fairly powerful effect.

As for the uploading: Have you made sure that you're logged in, and that you are in a subfolder?

The [-] die.

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Re: EZFudge is back and better than ever!

Knaight wrote:

The first of those is a typo (somehow, a 2 sneaked in before the 5) - the point is, 5 meters ranged combat, for 25 square meter squares is a bit sketchy. I'd consider 5 meters a fairly short charge into melee, and extremely short even for thrown weapons. For projectiles, it is downright tiny. With 25 meters to a side though,

Fair enough regarding the skills.

Your example regarding the Starship Enterprise involved it having two weapons. To simulate that, the OF of one of those was just doubled - given that the Fudge wound system isn't exactly linear, particularly when considering armor interactions, this seems potentially problematic. I'd honestly rather it just inflict a wound, and a wound at a lower level as far as power is concerned, and that is a fairly powerful effect.

As for the uploading: Have you made sure that you're logged in, and that you are in a subfolder?

I did finally work out that you meant spaceship weapons. :-)  For that, I have two observations: First, since starship rules don't get "balanced" anyway, the DFs could be scaled any ridiculous way someone felt. Second, these are rules that I will use, and I always reserve the gamemaster's privilege to prevent skulduggery.

I should probably revisit areas and ranges, but I don't think I want to do so until a get plenty of solid play with the system in place.

As for uploading, yes logged in, and yes in the Fudge Game subfolder ... but everytime it gives me a "You tried to upload a file but didn't succeed." I wonder if I'm hitting a filesize limit?

Cheers, Bob

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