


Hello all, Skathros here!

Some of you might have seen me on OoP D&D-centric boards, as old school is what i'm into (RPG-wise). Been running games since '82, and it doesn't look like i'll be stopping any time soon. Although i've pretty much been following FUDGE since the beginning, it was mostly an on/off thing (even though I own 3 copies of the white & blue book and another copy of the latest behemoth of a FUDGE RPG book).  It was with the advent of FATE that I recently began to look at FUDGE once more. FATE might be okay...but it ain't no FUDGE!

What recently cemented my love for FUDGE was a FUDGE-powered game I stumbled upon called Hack-n-Slash. Instantly, I became enamoured of the game with  its wonderful melding of old-school fantasy (which I love)  and the excellent FUDGE engine!

Well, here's to some excellent discussions that  I might use to enrich my H-n-S game!

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Re: Hello!

Welcome, Skathros!  Interesting timing - I was mulling over the concept of character classes in Fudge.  Sounds like you might have some good insight on that topic.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words about Fudge and welcome!  I also own and like Hack-n-Slash, fun game!


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Re: Hello!

Hi, Skathros!

Welcome aboard!

"Hack 'N' Slash" is one of those Fudge games I wish I'd thought of. :-)

For anyone not familiar with Hack 'N' Slash from Digital Alchemy, here's more information:

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Hello!

Thanks for the welcome Steffan & Ann!

I'd love to hear (read?) your thoughts on Char. Classes via FUDGE.

I often thought of doing something like H-n-S, but the Digital Alchemy guys not only did it before me, they did it so well that I simply can't top that kind of awesomeness!

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Re: Hello!

Welcome to the forum. It's a bit quiet here, but if you do start up a discussion there's a decent chance people will jump right in. Enjoy the place, and enjoy the chat room as well if you look into it (it tends to be more active).

The [-] die.

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