
Meeting at the Thirsty Mule

Meeting at the Thirsty Mule

About a year ago, I proposed an entertainment I dubbed "Story By Baton".   Basically, it is a multi-authored (we hope) tale built by contributions from whomever wishing to extend the story.  The enthusiasm was not particularly whelming, but I wrote a starter stem while waiting to see if anyone else wanted to join thee fun.

I am going to post that stem "Meeting at the Thirsty Mule" to see if the actual existence of a game start might evoke some interest amongst this forum's storytellers to jump in (or read along).  At this point, I am going to abandon all the structure about "passing the baton" to control who has the "right" (for a few days) to state their intent to write the next section.  When this becomes a wild success with too many prospective authors, we can work out some rules if needed.  But in case some of you have vast reservoirs of pent up creative juices (or even only a shot glass or two), I am going to open this gate to adventure to see if any dare to enter.

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