

I am new here and relatively new to Fudge, though certainly not new to gaming (I have been around since D&D version 1).

I am looking for a set of rules for large scale fantasy AD&D type battles (anything from a few hundred up to several thousand combatants) for use with Fudge for an online, multiplayer situation.
I have followed links, searched and scoured and found nothing - apart from this - which is largely disappointing, frankly.

I have thus set out to create my own set of rules, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. As much as I love the concept of Fudge, this multiplayer scenario cannot be 'fudged' - as in, I cannot arbitrarily suggest that 'some men' have died from your company. My players will all need clear and simple instructions, a round by round wargaming type of environ for this to work.
I need a set of defined rules which set out the following:

- How many individuals of each unit are wounded/killed per round of combat.
- A clear picture of how large scale creatures can wage war against smaller opponents.
- Missile damage against large scale opponents.
- AOE damage from magic attacks against both multiple scale 0 enemies and large scale opponents.
- Training, morale and motivation - and potentially experience gained from surviving units for a rolling campaign.
- Penalties and bonuses for unusual circumstances, tactics, enemies etc.
- etc etc....

You get the idea.

As I said, I am creating my own rules as I write, but it occurred to me that someone may have a nice, streamlined and tested set of rules that work already.

(For the record, I use the basic Fudge rules - but I have adopted the Fair, Good, Good+, Great, Great+ ...etc system of melee combat, suggested as an add on.)

Many thanks.

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I remember seeing and downloading a set of rules for tactical combat in Fudge, similar to GURPS' Advanced Combat rules. Maybe these can be of any help? (I'm not very sure, since I have not yet used it in play)

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At a first very quick glance, this looks great... many thanks!

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Hope it may be of any help... I'm more familiar with GURPS and I really missed the possibilities of tactical combat in Fudge, until finding this article. current/smile

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