
wounds and damage and stuff

wounds and damage and stuff

Hi Folks

Imagine the following:

Weapons damage + strength + scale (or whatever) just is not enough to overcome a mighty foe's armor.
So whenever you hit, you don't do any damage.
Is there a rule that gives someone the possibility of doing at least a scratch?


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Re: wounds and damage and stuff

Hi Abraxas, it's called Grazing.  It's section 4.56 in the 1995 online version of Fudge.

Abraxas wrote:

Hi Folks

Imagine the following:

Weapons damage + strength + scale (or whatever) just is not enough to overcome a mighty foe's armor.
So whenever you hit, you don't do any damage.
Is there a rule that gives someone the possibility of doing at least a scratch?


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Re: wounds and damage and stuff

I have Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition. I have read about Grazing, but didn't understand it.

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Re: wounds and damage and stuff

So, here's a link to the Grazing section in the 1995 rules: … ml#sec4.56

How can we improve this section to be clearer?

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: wounds and damage and stuff

It may do no damage at all, depending on the opponent's defensive factors: a fist hitting plate mail won't hurt the armored knight in the slightest - unless it's a giant's fist.

That's the point.. If my weapon can't do "damage at all" how am I supposed to ever defeat my opponent?
I could kick him so hard that he falls to the ground. Then I could take off his helmet, and hit my fist directly
into his face till he's knocked out.

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Re: wounds and damage and stuff

Abraxas wrote:

That's the point.. If my weapon can't do "damage at all" how am I supposed to ever defeat my opponent?
I could kick him so hard that he falls to the ground. Then I could take off his helmet, and hit my fist directly
into his face till he's knocked out.

That would be an example of this in action, among others. Others would be running away and getting a weapon that actually works, doing something like lighting the area on fire, etc.

The [-] die.

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Re: wounds and damage and stuff

Hello, Abraxas!

What if you allow a natural roll of four plusses (++++)  to cause a Scratch?

This allows for a miraculous ("Hail Mary") hit. current/wink

--fudgbob, the erratic

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