
How to Make Fudge (games) episode 1 from Fudgit!

How to Make Fudge (games) episode 1 from Fudgit!

Panel video runs just over an hour. Good start. I hope more comes!

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Re: How to Make Fudge (games) episode 1 from Fudgit!

Wow, thanks for the plug, Jeffry!  There  will be MANY more videos to come!  My goal with the videos is threefold.  The first type of videos we're going to create are panel discussions about Fudge, like our first video.  The second type of videos will be one-on-one interviews with various Fudge game designers, GM's and players on more specific topics.  Finally, the third type of videos I'm working on are going to be short tutorials on each element in Fudge and even some Fate games.  The panel discussions will usually run about an hour or so, and the one-on-one videos will be around a half an hour, and the tutorials will be in the 10-15 minute range!  current/smile

I'm very excited to be taking part in a Fudge revolution, because as much as I love Fate, I don't want to see Fudge become irrelevant and forgotten, because I think both games provide a very different gaming experience, and there is still a sizable group of "traditional" gamers, which I think Fudge handles very nicely! current/smile

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