I have tried twice now to buy some dice off your store and each time it asks for me to choose a shipping method but gives me NO shipping options to select from, so I can't go any further. I live in Australia, I'm hoping this isn't just because you can't ship here.
Saxonwulf wrote:
I have tried twice now to buy some dice off your store and each time it asks for me to choose a shipping method but gives me NO shipping options to select from, so I can't go any further. I live in Australia, I'm hoping this isn't just because you can't ship here.
Thank you for reporting this!
The USPS recently updated their software for interfacing with their shipping system, and we missed the memo!
I would be happy to process your order for you, but shipping to Australia is pretty expensive.
You may have better luck with companies that ship more (and hence get lower prices).
I've taken the Grey Ghost Press online shop offline, and replaced it with links to other websites you can purchase from: http://fudgerpg.com/shop.html
If you prefer to purchase directly from Grey Ghost, let me know what you want and I'll send you a quote including pricing & shipping.
Thank you!
Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.