
Situation: There are 14 competing standards

Situation: There are 14 competing standards

There's a good reason why Fudge is ideal for anyone who likes to adapt material from other games: the ladder, core to the game, is an excellent means of creating a consistent standard from one system to another. It even occasionally gets used that way, as in The Knuckleduster Firearms Shop.

We often bemoan the lack of new games using Fudge and wonder what can be done to encourage them, but is there a case for pushing the core of Fudge as a baseline for universal RPG supplements to include, rather than having each try to use their own version of a scale for adapting to different mechanics? and is there a good, feasible way to get publishers to adopt it?

By making Fudge a familiar part of products designed to be adapted to whatever system the buyer prefers we'd be spreading the acceptance and knowledge of the game itself, potentially making people curious to have a look at the whole thing as an RPG they might want to play. Easier said than done, perhaps, but I do wonder if it could be a successful strategy.

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Two Separate Gorillas
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Re: Situation: There are 14 competing standards

This made me chuckle, not only the RPG related point you just made, but from the computer point of view. I'm in networking and I deal with standards all day. current/smile

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