
starting a SciFi campaign(s)

starting a SciFi campaign(s)

Hello was wondering if there were any low cost resources for said theme out there.
Its a SciFi themed vrmmorog campaign that I ran early this year and for those who played it, really liked it. Only problem was I didn't have much resources so I pretty much made stuff on the fly. Stories weren't the problem but weapons, gear, ships, crafting....these things were a bit more difficult. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Re: starting a SciFi campaign(s)

android22 wrote:

Its a SciFi themed vrmmorog campaign...

I'll be honest, I have no idea what that abbreviation or word means current/big_smile

Nonetheless, and with the hope that this is relevant, if you want some more detail for equipment and weapons, rather than simply eyeballing a modifier, then you might consider looking at some of the many, many GURPS supplements. They're often available very cheaply, including PDFs, and are of a generally high standard. They're also quite easy to convert, with a number of good guides online to advise. Try this one for starters: … sconv.html

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Re: starting a SciFi campaign(s)

This is probably way too late to be helpful, but in case anyone reads this later in search of a similar thing: On the ships and weapons side, see if you can track down one of the copies of the old Fudge Factor that are still floating around. They have two Building A Better Spaceship articles that might be relevant, and two Fudge Firefight articles that might be relevant. On this site there is A New Dimension to Gunfire, which may or may not have been updated between me writing this post and it getting read.

The [-] die.

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