
Hi I am new to Fudge. The past 2 weeks I have been looking at the mechanics. I'd be willing to try making things, though I am afraid some of the other mechanics that influenced me would drip in. I wrote a fantasy story for Nanowrimo, and though of bringing the world to life with Fudge. It is a less popular used setting for fantasy, though a few rpgs have made some supplements for a similar world.

Probably I should look around more and read some older posts.

I played rpgs in the 80s. When I went to college I threw away all my old stuff away - rpgs, books, cds, cassettes, and vhs movies -  so that I could ride the bus and carry everything I owened to college.

Looking at a few open systems, Fudge seemed less complex for one person to create something, though I could make things more complex to adapt to the world. Is it frowned upon to combine elements of other systems. I see references to GURPS in the few posts  I read, which I used to own. I also owned Hero, Champions, MERP, RM,  Cyberpunk, Warhammer Fantasy besides of course D&D.

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kwickham wrote:

Hi I am new to Fudge. The past 2 weeks I have been looking at the mechanics. I'd be willing to try making things, though I am afraid some of the other mechanics that influenced me would drip in. I wrote a fantasy story for Nanowrimo, and though of bringing the world to life with Fudge. It is a less popular used setting for fantasy, though a few rpgs have made some supplements for a similar world.

Welcome to the forums, feel free to check out the IRC and Google+ groups while at it. Fudge is meant to be tweaked and made into things, and while the forum is pretty quiet work posted here will get read by at least a few people.

kwickham wrote:

Looking at a few open systems, Fudge seemed less complex for one person to create something, though I could make things more complex to adapt to the world. Is it frowned upon to combine elements of other systems. I see references to GURPS in the few posts  I read, which I used to own. I also owned Hero, Champions, MERP, RM,  Cyberpunk, Warhammer Fantasy besides of course D&D.

In the context of published works there's copyright issues. That's pretty much the line drawn on borrowing things from other games - the community is generally pretty on board with it. Find a cool mechanic? Port it. Want to mess around with a setting element inspired from another game's setting? Go for it. I blatantly steal stuff from other games for home games I run, and I'm hardly the only one.

The [-] die.

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Cool thanks Knaight.

I mainly want to write stories and the world, not so much worry about the mechanics as much. The setting will be my own, thus avoiding setting content copyright issues. I need more class and race templates. So the available mechanics would be mostly the same, unless they don't fit the story world.  That's where I would have to find something else. Most of the stuff in the open system will work. I looked at the open powers and magic systems for Fudge - 4X5 Magic, Gramarye, Omar Gramarye version. I would add some more stuff to whichever sytem i used, on top of what is open, some of it inspired by other games. That is just because of what the world would need.

I wrote the story in November, which created four cultures for the setting, three majic domains, a geographical area, some of the creatures and monsters, a little lore and history, and some of the government structures and philosophies. In my head, I have the basics for at least 7 more cultures. I am thinking of putting together either a sourcebook or rules and the sourcebook(s), to release with the story or sometime after.  My greatest pleasure would be the setting sourcebook type stuff. The setting is ancient america, with fantasy elements. I don't think that that type of fantasy rpg has been done as much as the European, Chinese, Japanese, and even Middle Eastern fantasy have been done. Some people did stuff I've seen which is more historically accurate or western focus. The one I like most is futuristic, not fantasy. I want more fantasized version. As I work through, I'll post things in the appropriate Fudge Forge branch for mechanics, setting, equipment, world building and such to help flesh out the world I already began for the story.

Deryni looks very European in content. It would be much different than that fantasy game.

I have content, just trying to see what I can do with the content. Fudge may be a good platform.

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So what you want is a lightweight, unobtrusive system to support a really cool fantasy setting that draws heavily from relatively untapped sources? This sounds like the sort of thing Fudge absolutely excels at, and it is absolutely the sort of thing the Fudge community will welcome with open arms.

The [-] die.

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Knaight wrote:

Welcome to the forums, feel free to check out the IRC and Google+ groups while at it.

I just joined the Google+ forum. I have never used google+. I had to set up some of the basic stuff.

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