
2017 Fudge Plans & Goals

2017 Fudge Plans & Goals

As I still consider it new year I wondered what everyone's goals were with Fudge for the coming year.

Here's mine:

Game with my kids
2016 was a poor year of gaming for me. I've a start-up/maturing business, so it's still growing which is taking up more time than it should. I want to make sure I get in some more gaming with my kids this year. I can't pin down any particular genre or setting, as that changes hourly, both from me and from them.

Secondly, probably only one of these (if that!):

Publish a Fudge game #1 - The Veil
I've got a monster-hunting swashbuckling fantasy game I'd love to get out. I'd have to change the name because of a recent cyberpunk game called this though. This will take a fair amount of work though.

Publish a Fudge game #2 - Kid Adventure Gaming
A very light Fudge build with a load of kid gaming advice. This is the biggest challenge on my list, and even if I worked on it solidly in the time I'm likely to have this year I'm not sure I'd finish it.

Publish pick-up and play Fudge games
This is the one that's probably got my attention the most at the moment, very light rules and sketched out setting ready for a night's gaming, or even a small campaign. The reason it's got my attention is it should be the quickest to get out.

So what are everyone else's goals this year?

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
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Re: 2017 Fudge Plans & Goals

2017 will be a year of re-focusing on Fudge for me.

I've been trying to get a gaming blog off the ground - - but I do not have the consistency to keep that up.  So I'm probably going to ditch it this year in favor of just writing up all the stuff I want to write in Google Docs and throwing it out on G+ or something. 

I'm also a host on Happy Jacks RPG Podcast, which focuses on the RPG hobby and not a specific system or game.  That tends to leave me very unfocused, as I tend to micro-focus on whatever hot system the other hosts and listeners are raving about.  This year, I'm going to stop doing that and just get back to Fudge for my convention games and whatnot.

I want to focus more on playing and running, and less on blogging and being active on social networking for RPGs.  current/smile

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Re: 2017 Fudge Plans & Goals

I've got a few goals for 2017 that I'm already a head of so that's nice.

Blood In Space Universe
Want to keep pushing forward this setting by releasing at least five new adventures in this world and possibly the expansion to it "Tormented Space".

A Fudge Tale
Of course, continually releasing the "A Fudge Tale" line that I have been so GMs have easy to run one sessions or drag and drop fantasy adventures to keep your gamers happy.

Launching a Campaign Podcast
In the thread of podcasting, I'm in the process of putting together a new group of gamers to play a Blood in Space campaign that I've designed and release the sessions online who want to listen to it. I've got four people interested so far and three of them have never used the Fudge system! Exciting times all around!

Run an Online Fudge Game Here
I also have plans in work of launching a play by forum game so that we can get some activity here. current/smile Stay tuned for that! There have been thoughts of an IRC session to on the Fudge IRC Channel but not sure yet.

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