
Fudge game decisions

Fudge game decisions

So, I have three different ideas for Fudge games and I need to decide which one to pursue first.

In case you haven't read the 2017 Fudge Goals my three ideas are:

Fudge for Kids
A Fudge game simplified for kids as an introductory game. I plan to write plenty of additional tips and suggestions for running games for kids. This is something I have, and continue, to do with my kids, although they are a bit older now.

This one requires the most extensive work. I want this to be as good as it can be, and as kid-friendly as possible in case they decide to use it to have games.

The Veil
A fantasy swashbuckling game. Close knit fantasy nations with a dark undercurrent of magic and monsters.

This one is the 'middle option' require less work than the kids game, but more than my final option.

Adventure Starters
A series of pick-up-and-play Fudge games in a multitude of genres. Think Lady Blackbird and

Lightly sketched backgrounds and some possible genre modifications.

This is the lightest workload of the three options, although picking genres might be difficult for my over-analysing mind!

All of these names are only working titles, they are just placeholders while they are in the planning stage. Actually, The Veil was a little annoying as a cyberpunk game only just came out with this name.

So, which one doe you think I should pursue first, I really can't decide myself!

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
28 Posts
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Re: Fudge game decisions

Personally, I would be interested in seeing what you could do with the kids version idea since I have a four year old who is starting to get obsessed with rolling dice but honestly you know how much time you have so you would be the best at making that decision. current/smile

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Re: Fudge game decisions

JonathanS223 wrote:

Personally, I would be interested in seeing what you could do with the kids version idea since I have a four year old who is starting to get obsessed with rolling dice but honestly you know how much time you have so you would be the best at making that decision. current/smile

Is there a particular genre or setting that would particularly appeal to your child? I could throw some very rough guidelines together in a quickstart style to see what you thought.

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
28 Posts
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Re: Fudge game decisions

At the moment, my little boy is four so he's at the point of counting, adding, and subtracting. He has been interested in learning more math but when it comes to a setting, we don't have anything. He's been talking about dragons lately and wants to go like one at a school party.

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Re: Fudge game decisions

Hi Jonathan, I'm not ignoring you, I'm trying to get something together to send over to you but work's being a bit of pain.

I need to knuckle down and get some more done so it's at least coherent for you to work with. You've even given me an idea for a setting which is what I'm ruminating on the most at the moment, although it will still be barebones.

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
28 Posts
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Re: Fudge game decisions

Didn't think you were ignoring me. I've been facing the same fate as work has begun to pick up with the impending arrival of spring. current/smile

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