
Crowd Funding Fudge

Crowd Funding Fudge

I took part in a NaGa DeMon challenge back in November to produce a FUDGE derived game in a month. I completed and played the game but it could be a lot better than it currently is.

I am very tempted to try putting the game up as an Indiegogo crowd funding project. Has anyone else attempted to fund a project this way apart from The Princess Bride?

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Re: Crowd Funding Fudge

I guess no one has had any experience with such as endeavor. I think you should give it a try. From what little I have experienced, you have nothing to loose. If you do launch at Indiegogo or kickstarter or another site, be sure to leave yourself a plug here, so we can check it out.

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Re: Crowd Funding Fudge

Main thing to keep in mind is how much experience you have doing this sort of thing.

Used to be you HAD to deal with printers (can be great, can be a nightmare) and distributors (very, very tough to get an RPG into distro unless you are already in distro, chicken-egg).

However, with POD and e-pubs, it's really a matter of how far you want to take things.

A great example is dysfunctional families. Very modest baseline (and the thing was already done at that level) with plenty of modest and sane, achievable stretch goals. … ay-funny-t

Highly Skilled Roustabout
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Re: Crowd Funding Fudge

I have produced POD via both DTRPG and Kindle Direct so preparing PDFs suitable for POD is not a problem.

I think the way forward for a first kickstarter is exactly what dysfunctional families did. Set the goal so low that you are guaranteed to have a successful kickstarter.
So working backwards, yes I can publish it both in print and PDF. Yes we can fund it via KS or Indiegogo.

When we get down to the actual content on the pages. I can manage the art side of the book. I am not an artist but I know my way around the public domain sources of art and I am not entirely incompetent with Photoshop.

Writing the game, or more accurately customising FUDGE is easy enough. I have written and published three RPGs and I have a fourth in production.

The biggest challenge is getting play testers and feedback. What I would need would be to put up a version of the game and to get constructive criticism so the game can be iterated and improved. Only when we have the final text can we actually publish it.

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