
Setting and Genres

Setting and Genres


I need some ideas and suggestions for a home-brew settings and genres in general.
I don't want to see fantasy any more, too many fantasy games in the market.
I like science fiction, western, world explorations, shooting zombies and Nazis, steam punk, cyberpunk,
and post-apocalyptic games.

I need something, based on those above, or something bizarre, or unusual.

How about:

a) Science Fiction game, where players are criminals, and are sent to some freaking prison planet, operated by convicts themselves, who have some sort of factions or groups, etc.

b) WWII France, during Nazi invasion. Because of failed Nazi experiments, there are mutants, zombies, haywire robots, etc.

c) Classic Steam Punk, with arcane sorceries, in a post-apocalyptic world.

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Re: Setting and Genres

What's your goal here? A game for you local group or for a commercial project?

For the former, I'd suggest checking out the Savage Worlds settings - they've sort of perfect the genre mash-up / familair with a new twist thing. You can take those ideas and run them in Fudge for your group.

If it's for the later, good luck finding a premise or gimmick that have never been done but would still have a broad appeal. It's not easy.

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Re: Setting and Genres

In my, admittedly repeat failure, attempts to actually write something your enthusiasm for the project is by far the most important thing.

Which one of the ideas you have inspires you the most, which can you immediately think of adventure, character and setting ideas?

Those things are what will sustain you which is the biggest challenge. Well it is for me!

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
28 Posts
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Re: Setting and Genres

The Convenient Skill wrote:

In my, admittedly repeat failure, attempts to actually write something your enthusiasm for the project is by far the most important thing.

Which one of the ideas you have inspires you the most, which can you immediately think of adventure, character and setting ideas?

Those things are what will sustain you which is the biggest challenge. Well it is for me!

Enthusiasm is of course crucial. You have to believe in what you are doing becasue otherwise what's the point? That said in my experience the final stretch is all grim determination.

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Re: Setting and Genres

Polar Blues wrote:

What's your goal here? A game for you local group or for a commercial project?

I was hoping, that someone would give me some ideas for my home-brew setting or a even entire game world.
Local group, me and few others, I prefer 4-6 people groups. And NO, I am not selling it.

Polar Blues wrote:

Savage Worlds settings

Dead Lands, as setting, is just fine as it is, I just don't like Savage Worlds itself.
Western itself it just not inspiring enough, for me at least. Maybe some other people would like it, but not me.

The Convenient Skill wrote:

Which one of the ideas you have inspires you the most, which can you immediately think of adventure, character and setting ideas?

I always liked Fantasy, Steam Punk and Futuristic Settings above all. I find Steam Punk quite fascinating, because it combines fantasy elements with steam engines. Industrial World with magic. I like Fantasy, because material is easily available in libraries and Internet. For Futuristic setting, I say Cyberpunk, and Space Exploration.

I also like WWII and Post-Apocalyptic settings, at least for what comes to Video Games,
I never played such settings on a tabletop, so I can't leave a comment for that.

If I would have to pick a setting that I like the most or inspires me the most,
maybe Historical/Low Fantasy with limited magic or Steam Punk. I like both.

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Re: Setting and Genres

With the release of Fate Core there's been a explosion of officially supported mini-settings, many of which are mash-ups of different genres. A lot of them are offered on a pay what you want basis and of course Fate is very easily back ported to Fudge.

The other option GMs used to do in the old days is pick two Gurps world books at random and go with it.

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