
EZFudge combat mechanics

Re: EZFudge combat mechanics

Well, give it a try and see how you like it! As my Close Personal Friend S. John Ross says, "There's no wrong way to play."

Here's another thought that might be easier to judge and I like the feel of: What if Aggressive actually gave you a penalty to act, but a bonus to damage? Vice versa, Defensive acts would give you a bonus on your action but reduced the damage? Meh, no, that actually is a net-zero effect. Well, it sounded good for a minute.

I'll be posting an update to the version on the website tonight. It should be available after 6:00 pm Pacific time. I think it's probably as far as I can go. But! If you still want to go with tactics cards, you can use EZFudge Ultimate ... I'd recommend tweaking the ladder to the Essentials ladder, but that's easy. Mail me at nvdaydreamer (at) (that google mail thing) dot com if you'd like me to send you the old Ultimate bundle.

Plus, EZFudge Ultimate has a lot of "support" in the form of other people's tweaks to it for different campaigns. You can find those here, in the Yahoo Files! archives somewhere.

Bob P

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Re: EZFudge combat mechanics

Okay, I take that back.  (waves his hand mysteriously) You don't want to see the Ultimate Edition.

Instead, drop by my site ( and pick up the "Melee Plus" expansion. This is a proper implementation (almost) of classic Fudge melee combat with the tactics options, but fitted to EZFudge's house style and terms.

Edit: I say almost because the examples in Classic Fudge indicate one roll per participant per round, and I don't strongly require that in "Melee Plus." Something feels off to me about being both effective (or defective) at offense and defense in the same round, which is what I get out of one-roll-per-player-per-round. Then again, that's probably what the Tactics rules were installed for in the first place.

I  noticed I still have two fuzzy terms out of place on the main rulebook, but I won't be able to fix those for a couple days. Wah. Edit: all fixed now.

Have fun!
Bob P

Edited by: nvdaydreamer - Apr-17-21 18:51:51

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Re: EZFudge combat mechanics

Well, I finally found the recommended solution, in the Melee Combat Options · Melee Modifiers section of the Fudge SRD.
I should have understood SOS had this covered long ago.

In short, fighter can declare All-Out Defense, get a +2 to act that round but cannot do damage. (And may get a chance to maneuver his foe into a penalty). Or All-Out Attack gets a +1 to act and if he hits, gets a +1 damage. The downside is ties go to the defender and the defender gets to do +2 damage.

This is my biggest complaint about the Fudge SRD: very useful bits fail to stand out. I suppose it's unavoidable. If every thing is an option to use or not use, nothing is actually more important.

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Re: EZFudge combat mechanics

I use the system where players roll for both their attacks and defenses in both my Fudge/Fate games and the "other system" which many people like to play and record for youtube.  (for the record, I use Fate's aspects, but run it more like a standard RPG).

Most players love rolling their defenses, and I have them do it right after they make their attack rolls.  The only thing the GM has to keep track of is how many attacks the opponents have made.  If they really like to roll initiative, then you need to keep track of that too.  Funny thing is, I've found they're willing to try a lot of different mechanics if I say we're playing Fate/Fudge.

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