
Fudge Community Website Overhaul 2020 - 2021

Fudge Community Website Overhaul 2020 - 2021

Hi all!

Obviously, needs a serious overhaul, and has for a while. As I near retirement age, I've decided to see what I can do to resurrect Grey Ghost Games and this website, although it's a big project and will take time. As in months, possibly many... (I still have Real Life demands on my time...)

So this is a heads up to watch for improvements, restored function, and (hopefully) more conversations and interaction here.

First up: a better Fudge Files repository that's easier to use.

After that: a new Forum component (the one we're still using hasn't been supported by the developers in years). With an easier to use interface and FAR fewer "boards" or categories, which will hopefully encourage more conversation with less confusion.

With that in mind, I'd like to hear from you:

What would you like to talk about on this site?

What would the ideal (in your opinion) forum structure look like?

We'll be switching to Kenuna, which is used by Joomla for their forums, so here's an example of a VERY active forum using the software we'll be using:

ALSO I'd love to get some help from any Joomla experts out there. That could help speed things up so far as getting things done is concerned.

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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