
Gatecrasher 2371

Re: Gatecrasher 2371

iamtim wrote:

After me... I think the company that bought Seraphim Guard later dissolved and two different people split the assets, but I'm not 100% sure who wound up with what.

While I co-own the Fudge rules that powered Gatecrasher, my former partner owns the setting (since he bought that separately of our initial purchases from you). Basically, if it came from the initial purchase he and I co-own the rights. Purchases he made after are his. Since, unfortunately, the Seraphim Guard purchase and the Gatecrasher purchase were separate from each other, they split up the rights to things. As my former partner was never really sure what to do with Gatecrasher (and hasn't done much with Fudge since I left the company), I wouldn't expect a lot of movement on Gatecrasher.

I wish I had the money to make an offer to him to at least consolidate the SG Fudge properties under one roof (so to speak). Unfortunately, at the moment, I do not have the resources for that.

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