
Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

By sometime around now (owing to the variability in timing of shipping and distributor repackaging and store owners putting product on display), the new Olympic Fudge Dice sets (4 each of pearlized Gold, Silver, and Bronze Fudge dice) should be showing up at retail stores. On the back of selected label inserts, hidden by the dice, there is a secret prize code on selected boxes. Find one of these secret codes and enter it at the listed URL and you can win "fabulous" prizes from Grey Ghost Press.

Yes, I am spilling Grey Ghost Secrets - the job of any good Humble Unpaid Lackey. I expect the "Boss" was planning some big announcement with flashy graphics and such, but has been so wickedly busy lately, she just hasn't had a chance to post it, and I couldn't wait to spill the news any longer. That's all the scoop I'm spilling for now. Just a tease to make you wonder about the details.

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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

Suh-Wheet! current/smile

It's like the Golden ticket in the wonka bars. current/big_smile

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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

current/big_smile  Nice idea!


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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

I just finished assembling and packing another two boxes of 105 sets each to go out to our distributor. I gather the several hundred we sent previously have all been shipped to retailers and the distributor has orders for more. Feel free to spread the word about the Olympic Wins contest.

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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

JonathanS223 wrote:

It's like the Golden ticket in the wonka bars. big_smile

I have to add that this reference (from one of my favorite movies - the original Gene Wilder version) made my day when I first read it.

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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

You can see pictures of the Olympic Fudge Dice here. current/smile

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

Here's a question. Where do we order these dice?


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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

JonathanS223 wrote:

Here's a question. Where do we order these dice?


From your Favorite Local Game Store. They may not /quite/ have them available yet, though.

They'll also be available through the Grey Ghost Games online store, which should be coming online this weekend or next week. But please support your FLGS first.

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

That's why I rely on internet stores. No game stores here in Bagram or back at home in Goldsboro. current/sad

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Re: Fudge Dice Olympic Sets in Stores....

There's no FLGS stores around me that will carry those either...when I asked my local favorite (that ironically carries the Dresden Files RPG) if they had the new metallic Fudge dice set in yet, the owner looked at me all funny: "what are fudge dice?" *sigh*

So, yeah Ann...not to get all pushy here, but GET THAT STORE ONLINE!!  current/tongue  current/tongue

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