
Bullet Points (invisible)

Bullet Points (invisible)

In this topic (#6), I've used a few bullet points. The text renders, black text on a black background.

To fix the problem I emphasised the block of text, but I thought I'd let you know.  current/wink


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Re: Bullet Points (invisible)

Robbie wrote:

In this topic (#6), I've used a few bullet points. The text renders, black text on a black background.

To fix the problem I emphasised the block of text, but I thought I'd let you know.  current/wink


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Re: Bullet Points (invisible)

Sure thing, Paul.

  • Bullet One

  • Bullet Two

  • Bullet Three

Edit: Seems OK now? The word "topic" in my original post is a link ... but of course it's not very clear  current/wink


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Re: Bullet Points (invisible)

(I didn't realise you'd fixed the bullet points, I was replying from the subscription email.)

Is it me or is the final line of my previous post black text on a black background?


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Re: Bullet Points (invisible)

Sigh - okay, it seems I missed a spot in the CSS somewhere so that text after bullets and text after a horizontal rule reverts back to black text. I'll try to fix this a bit later today.

Sample Text after a Horizontal Rule

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Re: Bullet Points (invisible)

paul wrote:

Sigh - okay, it seems I missed a spot in the CSS somewhere so that text after bullets and text after a horizontal rule reverts back to black text. I'll try to fix this a bit later today.

Hi Paul. I've sent you a PM.


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Re: Bullet Points (invisible)

The use of a different Agora Forum Template for War Week makes the black-text-on-black-background problem a moot point, until we go back to the original "Shades of Night" template at the end of War Week.  current/smile

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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