
Who is Vermonster?

Who is Vermonster?

As a FOPA (Friend of Paul & Ann) for the past few decades, I was invited to join you all on the new Fudge website.  My name (in the "real" world) is Doug Bickford.  Although born in Philadelphia, I have lived in Vermont since 1964 (and I was a teenager when I immigrated -- yeah, do the math).  My first RPG experiences were post-collegiate in the first hardback D&D set; not merely face-to-face, but one-on-one with some weird distortions of the roles on DM and PC in order for us both to "play the game".  Eventually I discovered (or was discovered by) a cadre of college students (including Ann and Paul) to learn the greater entertainment of a group larger than two sharing a RPG exchange.  But times move on and students get jobs in other states, and my RPG involvement grew increasingly vicarious.  My childhood of reading science fiction and fantasy, my general gamesmanship in chess, cards, Avalon-Hill boardgames and other such sedentary competitions, my "very small group" RPGing, and my pinnacle experience in RPG with Ann and Paul prepared me for my currently rather isolated form of "RPG soltaire".  For lack of playmates, I am now a reader of RPG materials.  [But I am intriguied by the opportunity of PbF participation from my home armchair.]

I have had the good fortune to review some of the pre-publication works of Ann and her Grey Ghosts authors in the past 25 years.  I might have even provided a useful comment or two over the years.  My thirst for such nourishment has been much greater than my supply.  If you are looking for a reviewer of materials and are thick-skinned enough to ignore comments that provide you no greater help (and perhaps patient enough to sift through ramblings that run a paragraph (or 2 or 3 ...) too long), I would be pleased to offer my services.

But, also I generally cannot provide a great entrenchment in the RPG genre.  I remain a bit naive when people start to drop the D&D, GURPS, Fudge  etc terminology and abbreviations into what they write.  I know I have read all these systems (and others) over the years, but as a reviewer (and as a reader) I look for the author to provide me the context to understand his/her offering.  I compare my sense of reality (or unreality), language, and mathematics to what is written and then begin my questions and consistency checks.  If it helps, perhaps you will be pleased, but I admit I will be pleased if I even get the opportunity "to do my thing".  {Perhaps Ann could provide a testimonial (or warning) about the utility of allowing me to review your matters.}

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Re: Who is Vermonster?

Welcome to the new Fudge site, Vermonster!

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Re: Who is Vermonster?

Yes Doug, welcome, and thanks very much for the contributions (forum posts) in other topics!

P.S. I'll provide a testimonial that Doug is brilliant and (but) very very very detailed (that last being both a marvelous gift and occasional fault). He has (and will) find all the holes in your perfectly logical RPG setting or rules or etc. etc, and speculate on ways to apply your rule that you have never ever considered (or even imagined)!

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Re: Who is Vermonster?

Should anyone interested (for reasons best know to yourself) in my other "fantasy life", I have started a blog to provide an outlet for the ramblings on life, the universe, and everything that percolate out of my having way too much idle time.

URL: >>> The Bickerstaff Blog

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