
Aaargh! RPG

Aaargh! RPG

Ahoy, mateys!

After a "Pirates of the Caribbean" DVD marathon and playing Facebook's Mighty
Pirates, I have decided to run a pirate game on Day of Fudge (June 4, 2011)!

I will be using two excellent Fudge Factor articles:
1. Naval Combat in Fudge. … fudge.html
2. All for One, and All for Fudge! … fudge.html

But I need some help, me hearties... I need some ships!

Can you design some? It can be purely descriptive or with stats, as long as it
details the ship, quirks and all. Of course it needs a full crew too - from
Captain to Cook! current/big_smile

I thank yee.

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Re: Aaargh! RPG

Do you want standard Age of Sail ships, or are you planning on piracy set in a different era*. Moreover, what do you need from ships on a mechanical basis?

*Because if you drag it back a bunch, I can bring in the Alchemquest ships, which are easy enough to design. Kayaks, catamarans, long canoes, rafts, and other similar boats make up most of the stuff in that setting, none of which fits the standard Age of Sail.

The [-] die.

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Re: Aaargh! RPG

Though Age of Sail was I had in mind, anything can happen in a pirate rpg! current/wink

Do send some of your Alchemquest ships, Knaight. They will add "character". current/smile

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Re: Aaargh! RPG

I could use an example ship or two to know the specifics of how you want these modeled.

The [-] die.

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Re: Aaargh! RPG

JTim just gave 2 sample ships on the mailing list: … sage/3553. I emailed said samples to you now, Knaight. current/smile

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Re: Aaargh! RPG

I finally settled on my ship stats current/smile



* Hull
* Sails

* Class (Ship Scale): Represents size and number of dedicated gun decks it can support. Ship Classes lower that Sloop are ordinary boats.
   > Sloop (0): 0 gun decks (need to lash cannons on the top deck).
   > Corvette (1): 1 gun deck.
   > Frigate (2): 2 gun decks.
   > Galleon (3): 3 gun decks.

* Hull: Terrible to Superb. Strength/Damage Capacity. Lower than Terrible, it is sunk!

* Speed: Terrible to Superb. Movement/Quickness. i.e. Sails and Rigging. Lower than Terrible, dead in the water!

* Manueverability: Terrible to Superb. Turning-ability current/wink i.e. Wheel and Rudder. Lower than Terrible, drifting aimlessly!

* Crew: Terrible to Superb. Scalawags all of 'em. Lower than Terrible, R.I.P.!

* Officers
  > First Mate Adds 1 to Speed.
  > Bos'n Adds 1 to Hull.
  > Pilot Adds 1 to Maneuver.
  > Surgeon Adds 1 to Crew.
* Submersible (The Flying Dutchman)
* more to come...

* Noisy - always creaks and groans
* Leaky
* Drafty
* Cursed (The Flying Dutchman)
* more to come...

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Re: Aaargh! RPG

Now you only have to Stat out the Ninja current/wink

Highly Skilled Roustabout
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Re: Aaargh! RPG

*forehead smash!

Oh yes, i almost forgot... the Ninja!

Hmmm, maybe the Cowboy, Robot, Monkey, and Zombie too? current/wink

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Re: Aaargh! RPG

But of course current/smile

Highly Skilled Roustabout
26 Posts
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