
Leveraging the OGL

Leveraging the OGL

I am starting - or restarting - a project to leverage the OGL content for Fudge (strictly Fudge for now Fate 2/3 may be added later).

What I am proposing is to post a "thing-a-week" from an OGL source. This would be taking something from the Pathfinder SRD, or the Dungeons and Dragons SRD (v3.5e), or any of a myriad of other OGL products and giving a Fudge version of the entry.

For example:
* a spell converted to Fantasy Fudge, or 4x5 magic, or any of the many Fudge Magic systems
* a feat converted to a gift or fault
* a creature with stats for generic ODF and DDF combat
* a character or NPC described for any OGL Fudge setting
* a magic item complete with stats and quirks

My question - is this a good idea? Fudge is such a broad canvas what should I focus on - pure fantasy, sci-fi, post-apocalypse, magic, creatures? Should I pick a single Fudge flavour like Terra Incognita or Deryni or mix and match?

Okay that's it - that is my idea. Now tear it to shreds current/smile. Tell me how (and why!) it won't work. Tell me how to make it better. Tell me a better idea!

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

I think this is a great idea!  I'd love to get on board with this! current/smile

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

I'm all for it! Let me know how I can help! Do you want to set it up as a blog on

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

What is the difference between the Pathfinder PRD and the Dungeon and Dragons SRD?

I am trying to find a OGL license for Pathfinder.

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

This is an excellent nay BRILLIANT idea, Shane.

Why has no one (particularly me) thought of this before?

*fudgebob imagines a giant funnel, OGL Stuff at the wide-end and Fudge-versions at the other. current/big_smile

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

I am going forward with this - I'll post announcements here but post on fictitious entry.

First post (Wednesday) will feature the feat "Toughness", followed by some spells over the next few weeks. The first creature will be in a few weeks.

Next steps: set up writing schedule, find art, advertise, learn about the OGL, ....

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

Here's what I found on Paizo regarding commercial use (which would be the safest route to take, even if :

One big item I saw on a very quick look is to not try and copy Paizo's trade dress

Highly Skilled Roustabout
26 Posts
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Re: Leveraging the OGL

This first post is live!

Comments and feedback are always welcome!

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

There is a huge variety in mechanical impact, but that was basically inevitable. Still, increasing Passive Defense or Active Defense, for instance, are objectively better than 1 point of DDF, so you might want to tweak it.

The [-] die.

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Re: Leveraging the OGL

Are you saying the bonuses are not balanced?

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