
Looking for a game (magical fantasy or urban fantasy of some sort)

Looking for a game (magical fantasy or urban fantasy of some sort)

If anybody would like to get together for a game of fudge it would be awesome. no experience with fudge besides reading the book over and over again. nor much online experience.

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Re: Looking for a game (magical fantasy or urban fantasy of some sort)

Welcome to the community, John_Moore.

You can visit the Official Fudge Chat to discuss, schedule, and play games:

Pick a nickname and connect! current/smile

--fudgebob dicepants

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Re: Looking for a game (magical fantasy or urban fantasy of some sort)

When on Fudge chat, I also strongly recommend the channel "#Fate". Said channel is accessible using a /join command.

The [-] die.

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Re: Looking for a game (magical fantasy or urban fantasy of some sort)

Oh I already in the chat. I am "techcowboy" or "n00b".  I was told just to be patient in the chat due to a con going on. so I am current/smile .

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Re: Looking for a game (magical fantasy or urban fantasy of some sort)


We've met there already then.

Anyways, I do hope we can play a Fudge game soon. current/smile

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