
     Looking over the entries on the blog to date, I see a couple of trends, and hope to adjust them a bit. One is the slowness of updates. Part of that is that I am a Fudge Fan, and not a full time writer, so like most folks, I have a lot of easy excuses to not update enough. However, the blog will never be about not writing, so that will be the last time you hear me talking about that.
     I do think that if I'm blogging weekly, you deserve more commentary and fun bits, or I should be writing more often and keep it shorter. I will endeavour a bit to do both.  I'll explain how in a second, but first...
     The other trend is  (and if you disagree, by all means, comment) that some of this material feels a little dry. The actual bits of Fudge 101 will be spruced up once its seen a few drafts, to help draw the first time reader in. My commentary, however, doesnt' seem to stand out as much.  I think that gaming material should be a fun read even if you never get to play, so I dont need the material to be as grey as the backgrounds on the website (I'm sure even the Grey Ghost was much more colorful).
     Also, as I mention in the title, the Day of Fudge is coming up. I will be running something for that day, and I want to do something here to make a splash. I'm certainly not going to be able to finish the whole of Fudge 101 in a month, so what to do?

1. Assemble the Character Generation Bits and have them ready for Day of Fudge :
     I will take the posts I've already done, edit them together and add the necessary bits, and post that before May is out (hopefully within a month of this post). An outline of the rules bits that I plan to use them with will also be provided, for those that have Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition and can handle the GM'ing themselves.
     I will still comment about what and how I am doing, I just may not post the whole work in the blog, as a lot of it is just selecting the write bits of OGL'ed material to accompany my work. But, as is the mission of the blog, I'll document my work and thoughts for you so you can how it goes, and comment on all the things I'll need to fix.

2. Work the Setting in Parallel :
     Movies aren't usually shot sequentially (yes, I know about E.T.). Pop music is regularly assembled from seperate discrete performances.  Writers I 've spoken to don't often write their work from front to back, in fact, to keep things fresh for the writer, they jump from bit to bit trying to stave off writer's block.  I will be using it to liven things up a bit around here.
     I can't provide my prospective new gamer with a set of rules and leave it at that. A setting will give that new gamer a place to start, and for someone new to Fudge but not gaming, it should offer a good example and a sense of completeness. Luckily, most folks are familair with the more standard, Tolkieny bits of "Fantasy" that we take for granted, so we can focus more on the differences, and setting up potential conflict and story elements.

3. Enjoy Fudge:

     Lastly, and of least direct consequence to this blog, I will play more. Every bit of my day I get to touch Fudge stuff, or think about it, helps me with my writing, both in ideas and enthusiasm. The Fudge IRC channel, the @fudgerpg twitter account, the yahoo group, and of course, the forums on the site here, all feed the fire that fuels the forge that will foundry the Fudge.  (Editing your own blog entries mean you get to occasionally leave in a long sentence and silly alliteration). So thanks for the help!


# Knaight 2011-04-22 02:31
Interesting goals. Note that more time in the channel should help with point 3.
# fudgebob 2011-04-23 07:37
i suggest #1 coz it is part of your blog's focus (which is going well btw).

and #3, to inspire and to encourage! :)

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