
I have played Fudge for more than a few years, both as a player and a GM, and have demoed for and written for Grey Ghost Games. The more involved I have gotten, the more I have wanted a "brand new to role playing games" version of the game to introduce new fans-to-be to the game.

What will follow in this blog will be a Designers eye view of developing the first of those approaches, Fudge Fantasy 101. Borrowing liberally from the Fudge 10th Anniversary Edition, I will, right in front of your eyes, put together an introductory Fudge build for new players to not only the game, but gaming, to cut their proverbial teeth on. It will be a fully usable implementation, using as much of the existing rules as possible, making all the design choices ahead of time.  Because the build will be fairly standard, a lot of the common portions of Fudge, like trait levels, scale and ODF will be introduced.

Comments and criticism are welcome, constructively, in the forums. The goal, however, is to put the design process in writing, for better or for worse, in hopes that others, and myself, learn from it by talking quite a lot about it.


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Ann Dupuis
Grey Ghost Press, Inc.

Dice Roller


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