
When it came to roleplaying, Fudge was the very first system I was introduced to. That was back in 2010 while I was deployed to Afghanistan. Since then I have had the opportunity to try all sorts of different systems and sample how their mechanics worked.

I have playedD20 version 3.5, Pathfinder, Cortex, Fate, and D6. They all were very interested in the way they brought the adventure to the table. Even though many of these systems felt more robust than Fudge, they were always missing what Fudge truly had. The Fudge RPG system had the ability to flow.

I found that it was much easier to go from the roleplaying aspect into the combat/action aspect in a fluid way that never occurred with the other systems (especially pathfinder). Pathfinder had a lot of math and a lot of die rolls. Instead of just going into the battle, I had to collect initiative, get everybody’s stats and spend most of my time with a calculator than roleplaying the fight.

It was this fluid, easy story-telling method that made me decide that Fudge was the system for me. I have not looked back since. As many of the readers here might know, I’ve developed the Blood in Space Universe to try to create a full science fiction setting with its own complete ruleset. Fudge has sat on the shelf gathering dust long enough and it was time to get more people interested. That meant more content.

So, what is this long winded post about? It is about an amazing system that captured my heart and will not let go. The dynamics of the roll, the ease of dragging and dropping different rule variants into adventures and the ease it was to mesh other adventures together with little to no prep work.

Fudge is a system that is underrated and sadly not very popular. There is no good reason for that. So, this post is about why Fudge is amazing so that anyone who stumbles upon it can read a true believer and know this is a system not to pass on. Fudge has brought me a lot of adventures and it continues to do so with my family and friends.

Thank you, Fudge!

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