
Did you know that you can upload files to the Fudge Files repository as well as download them?

If you have any Fudge materials you'd like to share with the Fudge community, please upload them to the Fudge Files repository and announce their availability in the Forums!

There are a couple of things you need to do to prep your files prior to uploading....

Preparing Files for the Fudge Files Repository

For legal reasons, all Fudge material submitted by members for inclusion in the Fudge Files repository must be released under the Open Game License. Please follow the instructions in our Fudge OGL Requirements article to prepare your file for uploading.

It's as easy as copying and pasting a bunch of text into your document and customizing a few bits of it to match the document's information, and voilá! Instant compliance with both the Open Game License and the Fudge System Trademark License so you can share your work with other Fudge fans!

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Ann Dupuis
Grey Ghost Press, Inc.

Dice Roller


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