
Fudge GM Screen

Fudge GM Screen

I was thinking that it would be nice to have a 3-panel GM screen for FUDGE that we could make freely available.

Hack-n-Slash has a GM screen that is for a FUDGE system, but it would be nice to have a free and open one. Scale/Speed tables would be there. Odds, NPC creation, plot twists, critical tables, range tables.

Basically it should have all of the stuff that a GM would want to have around for quick reference. A PC just decided to go off the path into the woods, what should he find there? It might help the brainstorm if there are some general twists that a GM could roll for or just pick from.

What are your thoughts?

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Re: Fudge GM Screen

Go for it, harrypancakes! current/smile

I'd love to have my own Fudge GM Screen. Who knows what evil lurks inside a GM's screen??? current/wink

And, welcome to the community! current/big_smile

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Re: Fudge GM Screen

Heck, yeah, I'm all for it. You make it, I'll use it. We could use a good comprehensive one, especially if it can fit in my customizable plastic screen (normal, not the landscape types).

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Re: Fudge GM Screen

I made this table for ranged weapons, specifically hand-drawn bow.
These values seem to make sense based on some research. How do you usually determine difficulty for ranged combat?

DistanceTarget size (Feet)Strength Required

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Re: Fudge GM Screen

Great idea! I believe it would be nice for the screen to have a table with the "exchange rates" for the several traits at character creation. I've stumbled upon a player's character in Portuguese (which I'll be using tomorrow for my first Fudge GMing) which also has a small table with the costs for skill levels divided by difficulty level. This would seem a nice addition, too. And perhaps a VERY summarized version of the weapons list in the chapter "A set of weapons and armor for Fudge".

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Re: Fudge GM Screen

The Unexplained has a great GM screen that can work for a lot of "modern" rpg settings. I really like it, however it does employ the assumption that you are using the Unexplained version of Fudge Rules. I do depart from that version in some ways, however I still use the GM screen. I do think the Unexplained is the best presentation of Fudge rules I have found so far, however I am not a huge fan of the "setting".
The screen is a landscape style screen, and is available at drive thru RPG.

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