
Looking for a Laser and Firearms Weapons Chart

Looking for a Laser and Firearms Weapons Chart

Good evening,

I am currently working on a Fallout RPG using the Fudge System. It`s gonna take place in Brazil, more specificaly, near Rio. However, I am in great need of a good reference sheet for Fallout weapons, from the ordinary 10mm pistol to the all-mighty Fat Man. Can someone enlighten me with some hints to create my own criteria, or even provide me with some premade chart?

Many thanks in advance.

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Re: Looking for a Laser and Firearms Weapons Chart

Generally I find it best not to worry about getting weapon damage exact when adapting an existing property, especially in Fudge where the difference of a point or two is quite substantial. However, there seem to be a number of Fallout resources on the Web which should provide all the details you require to start with. Have you seen this one?

If you want to compare those with existing Fudge weapons then you'll perhaps find the ranged weapons section of Gatecrasher to be particularly useful. There is also an article describing additional weapons for Gatecrasher by Michael Lucas: it used to be on the Grey Ghost site but you may need to use the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to find it if it's not around now. Unfortunately I can't check very easily as I'm typing this on my 'phone, but I'll see if I can find a link later.

EDIT: Additional Gatecrasher weapons - … apons.html

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Re: Looking for a Laser and Firearms Weapons Chart

Many thanks. I think those 2 links will help a lot. It is a long-term project, so I can create the system slowly, but I think that the data you gave me will clear the need for further research. Now, it`s only a matter of enhancing lore elements, locations and adapting the weapons.

Again, thanks a bunch.

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Re: Looking for a Laser and Firearms Weapons Chart

Though I have not played Fallout, this link might help you to when it comes to building weapons. … o-Gunfire/

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