
Bookmarked PDF?

Bookmarked PDF?

Does anyone know where I can download a bookmarked Pdt of the 95 fudge rules for my Kindle Fire? The Pdf I have is fine other than being generally useless at the table.

I am the prototype of a line now discontinued . . .

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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

Hello, Ryvaldus.

Will an ePub version work for Kindle?

Check it out here: … p=835#p835

Have fun! current/smile

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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

It won't.  I posted after trying in vain to get the epub file to work.  I suppose that I can sit down and bookmark it myself, I just assumed that someone had done it after a decade of online availability.

I am the prototype of a line now discontinued . . .

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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

I have given up finding it and simply bookmarked my own.  It was suggested that I seek permission for such an undertaking, so I await permission prior to uploading it.  Twas easier than I expected.

I am the prototype of a line now discontinued . . .

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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

If your bookmarked pdf has the OGL licence in it, I think it's ok.


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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

I think so too, but having already asked Ann's permission I feel that it would be rude to act without hearing from her first.

I am the prototype of a line now discontinued . . .

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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

Just got the okay from Stephen, so it is up now pending approval

I am the prototype of a line now discontinued . . .

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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

That's Great!!! current/smile

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Re: Bookmarked PDF?

It's good to see that this is heading up, given how useful it will probably be.

The [-] die.

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