
Main Summer CON: my games

Main Summer CON: my games

Hi all

    This summer I'll attend the big RPG CON I've been attending since 2005, 4 days of playing non-stop in an hotel-like environment (with a swimming pool, too, cause the place is hot and August isn't merciful around here). Besides the tabletop games and LARPs I'll try to play, I'll bring at least 3 games of my own. This year, however, I'll be cheating Fudge a bit 'cause I intend to run all them with FATE hybrids of some sort:
    * A Marvel Heroes game set in the thirties with magic as the only source of powers. A party of heroes and villains will have to work together against a greater evil... if they can stop the in-fighting. Example characters will be Spiderman, Doctor Doom, etc.
    * Another TV crossover game, a sequel of the game I ran a couple of years ago. Same series, same characters, a new foe, but with the experience they got from their previous game...
    * A Fables game in which all the PCs are legendary fairy tale villains, forced to work together by the Storytellers Society in an über-dangerous mission -or stay in the "Library", a prison located in the depths of the magical world whose warden is Death herself (and not a pleasant one).
    And maybe an extra game, a Mass Effect adventure if there is nothing better to play the last day.
    BTW on the schedule there is also a Spirit of the Century game!

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