
Completely New to FUDGE

Completely New to FUDGE

Hi Everyone! I came across a reference to the FUDGE system through a link on and am really interested in checking out the system. Now, I'm completely new to FUDGE so I apologize if this question is silly, but is there a pre-made, high fantasy FUDGE system with adventures?



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Re: Completely New to FUDGE

There is a pre-made, high fantasy setting with an official adventure. It's included in the 10th Anniversary edition. On top of that are various unofficial pre-made high fantasy settings, various unofficial adventures, and other similar things. Fudge is also a fairly simple system mechanically unless you deliberately complicate it, which means that you can take adventures from other games.

The [-] die.

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Re: Completely New to FUDGE

Depending on your definition of "high fantasy" it might also be worth having a look at Hack-n-Slash, which includes an adventure in its expanded GM edition. The game is set up as quite a traditional D&D-style RPG, with quite a few magical spells, monsters and the like.

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Re: Completely New to FUDGE

I know there is Blood, Sweat, and Steel, but I do not know if the rulebook has been released online or anything. Can't find any links.

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Re: Completely New to FUDGE

It's currently unfinished, and exists in a private drop box, several hard drives, and various emails. I'm pretty sure permission to use it and a copy can be made pretty easily, but it isn't quite pre-made as it still needs playtesting, it's sword and sorcery instead of high fantasy, and there are no pre-made adventures yet.

The [-] die.

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Re: Completely New to FUDGE

Thanks for all of the great feedback! I'll definitely be checking out the systems mentioned current/smile

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