
Simulationist vs Narritive or Fudge vs Fate

Simulationist vs Narritive or Fudge vs Fate

Ive been mulling for some time over the relative success of Fate and the narrative focus Fate seems to have. I tend to think of Fate as narrative in the sense that players are given limited control to shape the story outside of their character's choices. While a strict reading of Fudge tends to have it come off as a lightweight physics simulator (Which perhaps speaks to it's heritage as a lightweight response to GURPS.)

Partially I dwell on it quite a bit because no matter how much I want to love my Dresden Files RPG books the more I realize the narrative twist Fate puts on fudge irks my particular GM sensibilities. Ive had to make my peace with the fact that if/when my gaming group plays in the Dresden Files universe, if im DMing I am going to be rewriting everything in Fudge or some other system.

The general wisdom seems to be that Fate's success has much to do with Evil Hat getting out good solid examples of "baked" Fate games out into the world. Although we more or less know Grey Ghost Games did its fair share of "baked" Fudge games as well (Deryni Adventure, NAGS, etc.)

Ive been kind of musing perhaps instead Fate's success could be tied up more in its Narrative approach vs Fudge's more traditional simulationist approach. Fudge was perhaps competing with many other games of the same style, while Fate was competing in a relatively smaller arena.

Ive also encountered quite a few people on other forums who seem to be off put by Fate's narrative approach like me. Typically I think Fudge would be an easy sell if they want something just as lightweight but without those narrative aspects. However, I typically find most folks pass over Fudge if they don't like Fate as if the family resemblence convinces them they are going to be identical.

I think there might be something to gain in marketting Fuge to folks who are more simulationist than narrative oritented in their GMing. However, I don't really know how to quickly convey that well in a soundbite when other people are asking for system sugestions.

Anyway this has gotten kind of rambly. Just thought I would share my thoughts.

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Re: Simulationist vs Narritive or Fudge vs Fate

Strangely, I have never thought of Fudge primarilly as a simulationist ruleset.

I've been playing it "cinematic" -style all the while.

Maybe I'm weird.

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Re: Simulationist vs Narritive or Fudge vs Fate

I'd largely call the success of FATE a function of the completed games, marketing, and simply coming out during the burgeoning indie movement in the 2000's (Hence SotC and DF being more popular than Terra Incognita or Deyrini). I personally dislike Aspects to some extent, which is one of the reasons I stick with Fudge (others include the smaller and more symmetrical ladder, the presence of attributes, and the system generally being lighter), and this is largely due to their role making FATE more narrative. I'd agree with you that Fudge is a stimulation game, though to some extent it is a simulation of narrative settings, which is a disadvantage on the market. The intersection of simulationist gamers and gamers who favor rules light games appears to be a very small one, and Fudge doesn't look simulationist at first glance due to the heavy use of the words on the trait ladder and the high granularity of the system, though it should still be obvious that it is fairly simulationist to those paying attention. In any case, I'm rambling.

As for selling Fudge: It's a lightweight simulationist system with a sufficient degree of freedom for you to choose what is important to simulate, centered around a mechanically elegant core which gets used for most everything.

The [-] die.

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