
My daydream of an alternate fudge rulebook.

My daydream of an alternate fudge rulebook.

I often find myself building handouts of attributes, gifts, faults, example skills along with an explanation of character creation every time I run a fudge game. Its rewarding work, but ive been daydreaming of something kind of different.

Ive been imagining a fudge rulebook organized radically differently. It would present a built in set of default attributes. With a long expanded but well organized list of items, skills, gifts and faults. All of which would be labeled by icons and color for technology level, power scale and genre and listed with an apropriate point value. ( Not unlike how GURPS 4e). The book would set out a basic abstract power system based loosely on the colleges and realms of the Gramarye which could be themed for magic/superowers/psionics and list a single combat system.

Alternate ombat systems, alternate magic systems and the like would then be moved to an appendix. With sidebars appearing throughout the text explaining how one could customize the attributes, tweak magic or comabt and etc.

The idea being one could then point players to the PDF/Book and list a couple of things like: Build a character with X many fudge points, steam punk technology, superpowered, using cinematic combat from the appendix and the players could then run off and build their characters with much less prep work or without direct intervention from the DM ruling on whether item/gift/skill X is apropriate for the setting.

I have sometimes thought about trying to put something like this together. After all given the OGL nature it would be possible. However its a lot of work and I have never been sure if anyone else would be interested in it besides me.

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Re: My daydream of an alternate fudge rulebook.

I share your dream, trashheap. I would love to have a fudge book like that too.

Alas, time and resources is scarce for me.

Thinking positively... someday, someone will do this! current/smile

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Re: My daydream of an alternate fudge rulebook.

I'd be interested, if it were done correctly. The absolute keys are that there are multiple skill lists to accommodate multiple skill breadths, multiple attribute lists for various genres, settings, etc. that also accommodate various attribute breadths. There would have to be multiple power systems, on top of multiple fault and gift options, and I'd much rather the organization not be based in icons and color coding. On top of all of that, it would have to be absolutely clear that all of these options are meant to be altered freely.

The [-] die.

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Re: My daydream of an alternate fudge rulebook.

Knaight wrote:

The absolute keys are that there are multiple skill lists to accommodate multiple skill breadths, multiple attribute lists for various genres, settings, etc. that also accommodate various attribute breadths.

I've often thought presenting the skill lists as trees. With tiers of more detailed branches might be a worth wild way of organizing that. The DM could then specifiy which tier to choose from thus selecting the granularity.

Knaight wrote:

There would have to be multiple power systems, on top of multiple fault and gift options

What would you think would be the bare minimum number and types of powers systems one could get away with?

Knaight wrote:

, and I'd much rather the organization not be based in icons and color coding.

I was thinking having some sort of visual key or iconography might make things easy for poeple to see if something was available at a glance while solving the problem that many particular faults or gifts might be apropriate for multiple genres/technology levels.

Knaight wrote:

On top of all of that, it would have to be absolutely clear that all of these options are meant to be altered freely.


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Re: My daydream of an alternate fudge rulebook.

If there was ever to be a reprint of the current rules, I'd love to see it in "Explorer's Edition" size (like the Savage Worlds books). I've come to really like that format. There are several FATE books presented in this way.

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Re: My daydream of an alternate fudge rulebook.

My Thousand Suns RPG book is about that size, a bit thicker and done as a hardback. I kind of think of it as  the dream binding id like all my RPG books in.

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