
Big Fat Squishy Fudge Dice

Big Fat Squishy Fudge Dice

Many of you will have already spotted the Kickstarter for foam polyhedral dice at the moment (particularly if you follow @GreyGhostGames on Twitter) which includes an option for Fudge dice:

**Here's one of those terribly clever Internet links you can click to be whisked directly to the relevant corner of the Web. Isn't that nice?**

I contacted Minion Games about the Fudge option, since there isn't a facility at present to order only a set of four  Fudge dice instead of the polyhedrals (and who needs all of those weird shapes, anyway? current/wink), and they kindly replied. As I'm in the UK there are additional complications in making such a set easily available for me, but USA  Fudge fans might like to get in touch with them via Kickstarter and express your interest in such a set, as Minion Games have no idea as to whether there's much demand. Might be worth mentioning to your FATE-playing friends, too, if you'd like to see such an option included.

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Two Separate Gorillas
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Re: Big Fat Squishy Fudge Dice

I think their new "ala carte" option allows for choosing individual dice.

You buy into this at the $6 funding option -- but you then need to add $4 per die you wish to receive as the $6 covers shipping.

So for 4 Squishy Fudge Dice you would be paying $22 (4 x  $4 + $6).

I'll be placing my order later today. :-)

Unfortunately, it's currently for US shipments only. (That may change if they see a large demand.)

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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