
Call for play-by-forum GMs

Call for play-by-forum GMs

Play by Forum is not at all my thing, but if any of you are interested in either GMing or playing, RPGGeek (a great community - friendliest multi-RPG site on the web!) is starting a play-by-forum initiative right now.  You would have to create an account there, but it's free and generates NO spam and can be anonymous if you wish.  And no, I won't be offended if you play or run non-Fudge games, honest!  The point is to have fun!  (Though, those of you with published or in process works might find the point to be free advertising...)

If you're interested, check it out at … 4-edition-

Later this year they'll have a virtual convention, play by VOIP.  But that's later - last year it was October, I think.

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Re: Call for play-by-forum GMs

i am also a member of rpggeek and want to gm a fudge game there (still undecided on what it is yet).

thanks for the heads up, sos! current/smile

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Re: Call for play-by-forum GMs


Just a little more information: this is meant to be a very short introductory RPG game for people who have never played RPGs before.  It should only run for about three months - which is probably like a two-hour demo game face-to-face!  So: expect newbie players and run a short game.  Any genre, any system.

Two weeks left to post a game to that list, as I type this.  The URL again is: … 4-edition-

And while I'd love to see a Fudge game, I'd actually be pleased to see any games by any of you!  I'll be giving out "Geek Gold" to those running Fudge games - this currency is only good on that site, but gets you things like an avatar or microbadges - fun stuff.  Or you can even use it to enter "Geek Gold Lotteries" and try to win an actual game!

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Re: Call for play-by-forum GMs

AND ... the games are now open for play!  These are aimed at people who have never played a Play-by-Forum game, even though they may be experienced role players. 

There is one Fudge game offered, and it needs players!  Come and play with Jacob, a genuine Good Guy: … tem3067351

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