
What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

I am working on a Fate/Fudge type game. I don't use aspects but I really like how Fate Core combines attributes and skills into a streamlined list.  I also like a Fate point like mechanic just not tied to aspects. In my hack I called them hero points.

How about you?

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

fjw70 wrote:

I am working on a Fate/Fudge type game. I don't use aspects but I really like how Fate Core combines attributes and skills into a streamlined list.  I also like a Fate point like mechanic just not tied to aspects. In my hack I called them hero points.

How about you?

Hi, fjw70

I'm just curious, because I haven't looked at Fate in a while, what are the similarities and differences between Fate  points, Fudge points, and your Hero points?

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

I don't know what Fudge points do (I still need to pick up Fudge 10th). Fate points let you add 2 to a roll, reroll a roll you don't like, or change something about the scene. The first two need to be justified with an aspect. Something like using the aspect  Silent Hunter to add 2 to a roll when your enemy is not aware you are there. My hero points would let you do the same things as fate points but without needing to justify it with an aspect.

What do  Fudge Points do?

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

fjw70 wrote:

What do  Fudge Points do?

From the 1995 version of Fudge: … ml#sec1.36

Also see this topic for a discussion of how Fudge Community members use Fudge points: … .html?id=6

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

Yeah they all sound pretty similar.  Meta-game points that give bonuses and such.

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

For me, Fate has been a great reminder that I can run Fudge with no attributes.

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

With "Blood, Sweat & Steel", I decided to go with a modified version of Aspects, called Qualities.  In addition to the normal way in which Aspects work, we also devised categories for Qualities in order to make it easier for players to create more robust characters.  Our Quality types are Background, Complication, Connection, Driving Force and Personality.  One of the problems I noticed when playing in Fate games were that many characters had Aspects that were very similar to each other, so I thought the creation of some categories would help to create a more diverse list of Qualities for my game.

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

I tend to pilfer Stunt mechanics for Gifts, though they aren't straight out of Fate (as I tend to modify them via the partial bonus techniques from Fudge Factor).

The [-] die.

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

I maybe use some skills from Fate..
But Fate lacks many things that are covered by Fudge.
Like Attributes, a good combat system, and so on.
And I also don't like Aspects which make 80% of Fate.
I give Fudge points to the characters and they can use it
anytime, not tied to Aspects.
In the end there's almost nothing I like about Fate.

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Re: What have you borrowed from Fate for your Fudge game?

Oh, and I like "the ladder" from Fate.

The Ladder

+6 Legendary
+5 Epic
+4 Superb
+3 Great
+2 Good
+1 Fair
+0 Average
-1 Mediocre
-2 Poor
-3 Terrible
-4 Abysmal

That's better than Fudge, but everything else, Fudge is better!

In Fate Core (from 2013) they changed it again a bit.. Mediocre is now +0, and Average +1.
Because the  name is always different, it's best to look at the number. Anything from -4 to +8.

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