
War Week is Here!

War Week is Here!

Welcome to "War Week" on, running from December 7, 2010 through December 14, 2010 (Noon EST).

Here's the War Week event description. Remember, there are prizes at stake!

How to participate:

"Vote" for your favorite War Week material by rating or commenting on articles, blog posts, Fudge files, and forum posts!

Post war-related messages in the Forums!
Suggested forums to post in:
Fudge General Discussions
  Actual Play: talk about any war-related Fudge games you've run or played in
  GMing Fudge: share tips on running Fudge games with war themes or warlike settings

Fudge Forge
  Fudge Mechanics Design: Hash out some "Mass Combat" rules or other war- and battle-related mechanics with other Fudge GMs
  Equipment Design: talk about how to design weapons and other equipment used in war settings

Fudge Play-by-Post Games
  Start a new online Play-by-Post game with a War theme!

Off Topic Discussions
  Community Chatter: Post about your own experiences with War or combat!
  Other RPGs: Talk about how other roleplaying games present war settings

Upload War-Related Files to the Fudge Files repository!
Fudge files submitted for inclusion must be released under the Open Game License. Please see the Fudge OGL Requirements article for instructions on how to do that.

Submit the files here:

Write War-Related Blog Posts
Apply for Author status on here: … ccess.html Once approved, you can submit posts to the Fudge Free for All blog or to your own blog hosted on!

Spread the Word!
Let others know about War Week on!

Have Fun!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: War Week is Here!

Oh, yeah! Time to party!

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Re: War Week is Here!

World War One German Super Weapon posted at … er-Weapon/.
Or just squint your eyes and check it out in this image:

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Re: War Week is Here!

My Submission:

Optional Rules - Fudge Morale

Was gonna be something different, but my computer ate my other project. W00t!

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Re: War Week is Here!

I had a lot of fun doing this. I uploaded my entry to the Setting section of the repository: Geeks vs. Nerds. A war like no other. Oh yes, it is epic. I'm tempted to develop it further. Once it's reviewed and posted, I think you all will enjoy it.

EDIT: You can read it here: … r-Setting/

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Re: War Week is Here!

We've extended War Week from Noon EST to 9:00 PM EST, so if you have any last minutes entries, now is the time to submit them for the fabulous prizes that await!

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Re: War Week is Here!

War Week is officially over -- until next year!  current/big_smile
Many thanks to the members who contributed to the War-themed activities this week!

Thank you, everyone, for your contributions!

The "judges" (that's me and Paul, which is why I didn't mention any of our posts during War Week) will deliberate for a day and then announce the winners of "fabulous" prizes!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: War Week is Here!

Wow. I didn't know my blog post counted too. current/big_smile Cool. Did ya decide on any winners or have we Fudge fans stumped the geek in charge. current/big_smile

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Re: War Week is Here!

Whew! They're finally gone. Off to see Steffan and play some boring game called "High Frontier."

Leaving me in charge!  current/big_smile

You would not BELIEVE the whirlwind around this place the past week or so. This year Mom and Dad decided to go all out with the tree covered with cat toys and people coming and going and lots of boxes with lovely bows to play with!  Dunno why they kept hissing at me and my bro' Grey Ghost every time we joined in the fun with the tree! And the people! First there was Mom's Birthday, then "Christmas Eve" (all the wonderful boxes and fun bows went away!), then "Christmas Day" where we all got to eat leftover ham, then a lot of grumpy days where Mom and Dad did stuff on their computers ALL DAY with no chance for me to get online! Something about a new software launch over at ...

Anyhow I think Mom and Dad  forgot all about the War Week thing. They were saying things like "how can we choose" and "why on earth did you decide the prizes would be gold, silver, and bronze, so we have to rank them?!?" and "I'll take care of it tomorrow...."

So now when Mom logs in tomorrow she'll see my post (she always checks the "What's New" page at … -here.html and be reminded that people are waiting for their prizes!

Aren't I a good Fudge kitty mascot?


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Re: War Week is Here!

We could use more kitties like you. :-D

I thought I heard that there were supposed to be four prizes, with the "grand prize" being a set of all three sets of olympic dice. Don't know where I heard that, but since there are four people being considered, maybe that would be something to add. :-) Just a thought.

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