
Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

Hi everyone! I wanted to share what I posted over at my own site here with all of the Fudge fans. Please spread the word about this event and get people involved. This isn't an official event, but I know that Ann supports the "Day of Fudge" and if she ever wants to make it an official event I am all for it!

Every year the first Saturday of June is the "Day of Fudge" where fans of the Fudge RPG system are encouraged to run Fudge game events out in public. You can run a game at your local game shop, at your public library, a local campus, or anywhere you get permission to host such an event. All you need to participate in the DoF is some imagination, and a little gumption!

I plan on running my own DoF event this year at my favorite game shop - Unique Gifts & Games in Grayslake, IL (82 Center Street). Here are the details so far:

Mars Attacks the Suburbs! or "This used to be such a nice neighborhood!"

Description: You and your friends had gathered to enjoy a nice summer barbecue, but suddenly from out of the sky a strange saucer shaped craft appeared and landed. Small green men with ray guns emerged from the craft. The town mayor approached them with open arms and good tidings of peace. They fried him on the spot. Can you survive the Martian invasion? Will you discover the secrets of these dastardly space men? Is there any cold beer left? Find out when - MARS ATTACKS THE SUBURBS!!!

Got your own idea for a DoF event? Post about it here!

Here is a link to my original post.

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011


My hope is to pull some friends together who have never played FUDGE (let alone a role playing game) and get a small game going. I made sure to add this important day to my calendar.

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

I'm going to try to introduce some people to role playing without D&D through my A Last Beautiful Dawn game. As it happens, Fudge is almost certainly the best rules set for it (Titled holds second place).

The [-] die.

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

JonathanS223 - That is an awesome idea! Fudge is one of the best systems for introducing people to tabletop RPGs.

Knaight - Well put.

PS I screwed up the date on the original post. It is June 4th this year, and not the 7th. current/smile

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

Date adjusted and thanks for the compliment. I just hope it turns out as well as I hope it will. current/big_smile

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

What can we do to make this year's DoF really stand out? I think I'd like to try and arrange some kind of contest where the best DoF event organizer is sent a prize. Maybe a bundle of Fudge games?

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

Here are the final details for my "Day Of Fudge" event:

When? June 4th, 2-6pm.
Who? Patrick Benson, from will GM. That’s who!  Plus 6 lucky players (pre-generated characters provided).
Where? Unique Gifts & Games (just take a right at "Awesome!", and a left at "Amazing!").
What? Flying saucers, aliens, and suburbanites.
How? Fudge RPG, baby. Fudge RPG!

Also the "Day of Fudge" is getting some great attention on these here InterWebz! Check out the latest from Stargazer's World where he talks about his plans to run a DoF event.

Want even more DoF goodness? How about a raffle for CUSTOM FUDGE DICE in honor of the DoF where all you need to do to enter is to leave a comment on the post! DiceCreator's Blog is doing just that, and you know you want some custom Fudge dice!

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

Is this where your going to do it?

Also, what are the times and stuff? I wanted to create an event so others can see it in case they're in your area. current/smile

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

Yes, that is the store that I will be at. I'm running my event from 2 to 6pm. Please share the details for your own event when you have the chance, because I am very interested in what others are doing too.

BTW - I posted this today on Gnome Stew, and what I said there applies to here too. If you want help with your DoF event I will help you. current/smile … l-help-you

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Re: Day of Fudge - June 4th, 2011

For this DoF, I'm thinking about hosting a chat game here, instead of trying to run anything on rpg shops. What about a Fables game, anyone?

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