
Horror at Station K

Horror at Station K

Hello all,

Wanted to create this topic so there was a place people can ask, comment, or criticize the Event I will be running on 15 Jan 2011 at 0700 +0000

We will be using a setting I created called "Blood in Space". The rules are being finalized and will be made available to everybody who has signed up and here on the forum to give you an idea of what to expect. This will be a Dark Horror Scifi with a good chance your character is gonna be killed or eaten by the choices you make.

If you have any comments, questions, or anything else please either post it here or email me at:


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Re: Horror at Station K


The event is getting ready to start. We have three players and hopefully when it is over, I will release the logs to all those who are interested.

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Re: Horror at Station K

How did it run? current/smile

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Re: Horror at Station K

Everybody tells me it went very well. We got half way through the story before we had to call it quits for the day. It was something like six or seven hours long. So far the PCs are about getting ready to battle a large heavy armored alien that's out to eat them. current/big_smile

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Re: Horror at Station K

I enjoyed it very much. A whopper of a cliff hanger. Looking forward finishing the game. current/smile

I play Corporal (now acting Sergeant) Tina T., Heavy Weapons Marine - a little short and stout but full of grit. Grrrrr

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Re: Horror at Station K

I think I've got the craziest and best group of players ever when it comes to this game. current/big_smile

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Re: Horror at Station K

You pulled from the nutters on the chat room*. Of course you got the craziest players.

*This foot note is dedicated to the fact that we chat room nutters are all awesome.

The [-] die.

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Re: Horror at Station K

They are all awesome! current/big_smile

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Re: Horror at Station K

Where can I find a copy of "Blood in Space"?

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Re: Horror at Station K

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