
Fudge podcast idea?

Fudge podcast idea?

Hey there everyone!  I'm really interested in starting up a Fudge podcast, where I would be talking about all things Fudge, and more importantly, interviewing other Fudge enthusiasts/authors/etc.  I'm just wondering what kind of interest level there might be for something like this?  I just feel like, with the advent of Fate2 & Fate3 style games, Fudge has gotten lost in the shuffle, and I think there is a great opportunity to remind people of it and try to increase people's awareness of Fudge.

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Re: Fudge podcast idea?

Sounds nifty.
(I was thinking of doing one myself, but these days I barely have the time to get my writing and design back on track.)

I'm a bit of a logistics nut.

  1) How are you going to record the interviews?  If you want professional sound you'd want to get a large diaphragm mic (either direct to usb or with a converter) for in-person, along with a spit....ahem...pop-screen. You can pick one up for about $100-$150 for what you would need and it would make a huge different. Via telephone, does your current setup already have a recording feature?

  2) How are you going to advertise (other than, of course, This Board and the Fudge Yahoo group)?

  3) Any idea of what the optimal frequency to get and maintain optimal interest levels would be? (Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly? )

Highly Skilled Roustabout
26 Posts
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Re: Fudge podcast idea?

Beautifulharmony wrote:

Sounds nifty.
(I was thinking of doing one myself, but these days I barely have the time to get my writing and design back on track.)

I'm a bit of a logistics nut.

  1) How are you going to record the interviews?  If you want professional sound you'd want to get a large diaphragm mic (either direct to usb or with a converter) for in-person, along with a spit....ahem...pop-screen. You can pick one up for about $100-$150 for what you would need and it would make a huge different. Via telephone, does your current setup already have a recording feature?

  2) How are you going to advertise (other than, of course, This Board and the Fudge Yahoo group)?

  3) Any idea of what the optimal frequency to get and maintain optimal interest levels would be? (Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly? )

Well, I'm not a podcast expert, but I am a musician, so I have a few thoughts. current/smile

1.  As for gear, I have studio quality equipment for sound recording, including a Sennheiser vocal mic that set me back almost $300.  My initial thought is to use Skype as a voice chat client, and I can record the incoming audio right into my Tascam USB Audio Interface and then to my mixing board, which I can route back to my laptop.  I mostly used Vegas Video for video and audio editing.

2.  As far as promoting the podcasts, there are of course the obvious, such as here, Yahoo, IRC, as well as popular forums like RPGNet and Fear the Boot.  I'm quite active on a number of RPG-related fourms, so that would be a good place to start.  I learned about nearly every podcast I listen to on RPG forums, so I'm hoping that will be a good way to spread the love. current/smile

3.  My first instinct is something monthly, at least to begin with.  If I get lucky, and interest picks up, I'd love to do it on a more regular basis.

While I may have quite a bit of experience with recording/producing music and video, and role playing games, I don't have any real experience with podcasts.  So the first thing I'm going to do is research podcasting production.  I'm also going to contact some people that have some experience in this regard (Ryan Macklin, for starters).

I've been extremely fortunate to get to know some of my Fudge heroes via the net, and I'm going to lean on them to help me get something off the ground.  I'm wide open in regards to tips, advice and help.  I just feel like it's time, and I'm hoping that my years of being a professional entertainer have taught me enough about shameless promotion and aggressive marketing. current/smile

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Re: Fudge podcast idea?

Sounds like a pretty solid plan so far current/smile

The one thing I didn't see was specific mention of Interview Techniques or Journalism. Your entertainment performance experience means you've probably already got a lot of things already down pat:  you're not likely to freeze, you know verbal storytelling 'tricks' such as voice modulation, etc.... Just wondering if you've got any experience with interviews? (as opposed to staged or improv performance.)

Web searches:  "how to interview someone for a podcast"  "how to interview someone for an article" … erview.htm

Highly Skilled Roustabout
26 Posts
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Re: Fudge podcast idea?

Sweet links!  Thank you!  I haven't a ton of experience being the interviewer, but I've been interviewed a lot, so I think I have a sense of the pacing and flow.  I have a lot of room for learning though! current/smile  Actually, I was a head hunter for almost 3 years, so I did a LOT of interviewing then, but I don't think that type of interviewing will be very helpful in this context. LOL

To be honest, I'm not even sure I'd want to be the only one conducting interviews.  I think it might be fun to have several people doing interviews eventually.  Somehow I think that might give the whole thing more of a "community" feel.

I really appreciate the conversation, and more importantly, the help! current/smile

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Re: Fudge podcast idea?

I'd certainly be interested in listening to interviews with the people behind my favourite Fudge products like Jennifer Lee (Fudge horror: Vampires), Bradford Younie (The Unexplained), Scott Larson (Terra Incognita) and Forrest Harris of Knuckleduster Publiscations (the excellent Firearms Shop & Cowtown Creator).

If you decide to actually do this podcast you might want to have it added to the list at for some publicity. It's where I usually go looking for interesting podcasts.

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